Build A Mental Toolkit

Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary
2 min readSep 7, 2023


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Consider this a behind-the-scenes look into the mastery of information gathering:

It isn’t just about accruing knowledge.

It’s about honing the skills to gather and filter that knowledge effectively.

Here’s the practical blueprint every professional needs.

The real MVP isn’t the person with encyclopedic knowledge.

It’s the person with a dynamic learning toolkit.

Let’s break it down.

Skill 1: Critical Thinking

Don’t just absorb. Analyze.

Question the information you encounter.

Dive deeper.

Skill 2: Information Literacy

Learn to identify credible sources.

Ditch the misinformation.

Become a discerning information consumer.

Skill 3: Flexibility

Be ready to unlearn and relearn.

Adapt to new information.

Embrace the change.

Albert Einstein remarked, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

Foster that curiosity.

Turn it into a tool.

A tool that propels you to seek, to question, and to grow.

And now, the finer details:

Toolset 1: The Feynman Technique

A simple, four-step process.

  1. Learn it.
  2. Teach it.
  3. Identify gaps.
  4. Review and simplify.

Turn complex ideas into simple explanations.

Toolset 2: Spaced Repetition

Don’t cram.

Space out your study sessions.

Enhance retention.

Toolset 3: Mind Mapping

Visualize concepts.

Draw connections.

Create a tangible blueprint of your knowledge.

So, the next time you encounter a complex problem, don’t just reach for an answer.

Reach for a learning opportunity.

Investigate with a critical lens.

Analyze with keen attention.

Evaluate with a discerning mind.

These aren’t just skills.

They’re your allies in the quest for continuous learning and adaptation.

Build that toolkit.

A toolkit that not only stores information but sifts, refines, and upgrades it continuously.

Because remember,

Your potency as a learner isn’t measured by the stockpile of facts in your brain, but by your ability to navigate, assimilate, and utilize a sea of information proficiently.

In the grand narrative of professional growth,

Being an adept learner trumps being a stagnant knower, every time.



Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary

👋 | Host @ Success Story Podcast 🎙️ | I write a newsletter to 321,000 people 👉