Comfort Is A Liar

Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary
2 min readSep 4, 2023


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Comfort is a liar.

It whispers in your ear, telling you that it’s okay to relax, to settle, to stop pushing so hard.

It kills dreams quicker than failure ever could.

You see, failure is an honest opponent. It strikes fast and hits hard, teaching you, molding you, pushing you to fight back.

Comfort, on the other hand, is a sneaky adversary. It’s a slow, poisonous gas that seeps into your dreams, unnoticed until it’s too late.

Avoid cushy ruin.

Imagine an entrepreneur, we’ll call him Dan. Dan had a thriving business, a model that could disrupt the market. But Dan got comfortable. He stopped innovating, stopped pushing boundaries. One day, he woke up to find his business irrelevant, swallowed by newcomers who embraced adversity, who weren’t afraid to stumble and fall.

Seek useful adversity.

Adversity is not your enemy; it’s your gym. It’s where you build muscle, stamina, and grit. It’s where you learn what you’re really made of.

Bill Gates started Microsoft in the economic downturn. Airbnb fought its way up during a housing crisis. These giants embraced adversity, used it as a stepping stone, and soared.

Struggle today strengthens tomorrow.

It’s not a catchy phrase; it’s a reality, a principle you need to carve into your psyche. Your setbacks, your challenges, they’re not here to break you.

They’re here to make you.

Remember, diamonds are made under pressure, not in comfortable, cushy beds.

So, here’s the deal. Get uncomfortable. Seek challenges. Embrace the hard, the rough, the painful.

Because if you’re not struggling, you’re not growing. And if you’re not growing, you’re decaying.

Ditch the comfort. Arm yourself with resilience and tenacity. Forge into the storm, head high, and fists ready.

Let your trials shape you, hone you, and prepare you for a future that belongs to the brave, the fighters, the ones who dare to stare comfort in the face and say,

Not today.

Tomorrow awaits the stalwarts, the unyielding, the relentless.

Don’t settle. Charge forward. Your stronger tomorrow needs the uncompromising, gritty leader that today’s adversity is carving out of you.



Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary

👋 | Host @ Success Story Podcast 🎙️ | I write a newsletter to 321,000 people 👉