How to Curate Content Properly

Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary
6 min readJun 28, 2024


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Curate, Don’t Create

Let’s be real — the entrepreneurial game is less about brute force, more about finesse.

In the age of information abundance, the true skill isn’t creating more content, but curating the right content.

It’s the art of gathering diamonds from the information overload coal mine.

And when done right, it’s a cheat code to accelerate your learning, expand your influence, and position yourself as a thought leader in your niche.

Today we’re talking content curation.

So let’s start off by asking… “why is content curation your secret weapon?”

  • Time Leverage: Instead of reinventing the wheel, you’re standing on the shoulders of giants. Let the experts do the heavy lifting while you extract the golden nuggets for your audience.
  • Credibility Boost: Sharing valuable insights from others demonstrates you’re plugged into the pulse of your industry. It signals you’re a discerning filter, not just another noisemaker.
  • Community Building: Curating sparks conversation. It invites your audience to engage, share their thoughts, and become part of a knowledge-sharing ecosystem.
  • Establish Authority: By consistently sharing valuable insights, you position yourself as a trusted source, a go-to expert in your field.
  • Build Community: Curation is a conversation starter. It invites your audience to engage, share their own perspectives, and forge connections with like-minded individuals.
  • Fuel Your Own Learning: Curation isn’t just about others; it’s about you. By immersing yourself in high-quality content, you accelerate your own growth and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Amplify Your Message: Sharing content that aligns with your values and goals reinforces your personal brand and expands your reach.
  • Create Opportunities: A well-curated network can lead to collaborations, partnerships, speaking engagements, and even new business ventures.

The Art of Selective Sharing: More Than Just Clicking ‘Retweet’

The internet is drowning in content.

Everyone’s a publisher, a broadcaster, a voice clamoring to be heard.

But amidst this digital cacophony, what truly stands out?

It’s not the regurgitators, the ones who mindlessly parrot the latest trends.

No, the real power lies in selective sharing.

Think of yourself as a museum curator.

You wouldn’t just haphazardly cram every artifact into a gallery.

You’d carefully choose pieces that tell a story, that spark curiosity, that resonate with your audience.

The same principle applies to content curation.

So how do you do this effectively?

There are effectively three kinds of content

  • Aggregation: The lowest rung. Simply sharing others’ content without adding any value. It’s the digital equivalent of shouting into the void.
  • Curation: The sweet spot. Selectively sharing content, adding your unique insights, and sparking conversation.
  • Creation: The pinnacle. Producing original, high-quality content that adds to the global conversation.

The goal is to move beyond mere aggregation and embrace curation as a core part of your content strategy.

A Framework to Navigate the Content Chaos

Now, to start, here’s a simple list to check off when you start to think about how you’re going to curate content.

  1. Define Your Niche: What are the burning questions your audience is grappling with? What are the topics that light you up? Curation should be a two-way street — benefiting both you and your tribe.
  2. Diversify Your Sources: Don’t just stick to the usual suspects. Explore niche blogs, academic papers, podcasts, even social media threads. The goal is to unearth hidden gems that others might miss.
  3. Filter Ruthlessly: Not all content is created equal. Apply the “So what?” test. Does the piece offer actionable advice? Does it challenge conventional thinking? Does it spark a new idea? If not, move on.
  4. Add Your Unique Spin: Don’t just regurgitate. Share your perspective. Explain why you found the piece valuable. Connect it to your own experiences or offer a counterpoint.
  5. Package It Thoughtfully: Presentation matters. Use compelling headlines, write concise summaries, and add visually appealing elements. Make your curated content irresistible.

Building Your Content Engine: A System for Curating Success

Curation isn’t just about sporadic sharing.

It’s about building a well-oiled machine that consistently delivers valuable insights to your audience.

Here’s how to engineer your own “content engine”:

The Curation Arsenal: Arm yourself with tools that streamline your process and amplify your reach:


  • Feedly: The classic RSS reader for consolidating your favorite sources.
  • Refind: A personalized news feed that learns your interests and surfaces high-quality articles.
  • Zest: A community-driven platform where marketers share their best finds.


  • Pocket: Save articles, videos, and other content for later reading or sharing.
  • Notion: A versatile workspace for organizing your curation ideas, notes, and drafts.
  • Airtable: A powerful database for creating custom content calendars and tracking your curation efforts.


  • Buffer: Schedule your social media posts for optimal engagement.
  • Substack: Create and distribute beautiful email newsletters featuring your curated content.
  • Hypefury: Automates Twitter threads and schedules tweets based on your curated content.

The Curation Calendar: Consistency is key. Establish a regular cadence for sharing curated content. It could be a daily email newsletter, a weekly Twitter thread, or a monthly blog post roundup. Experiment to find what works best for you and your audience.

The Curation Community: Don’t curate in isolation. Engage with fellow curators, share your finds, and exchange ideas. You might even collaborate on joint curation projects or cross-promote each other’s content.

The Curation Conundrum: How Much is Enough (and Not Too Much)?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

It’s a delicate dance between informing and annoying, between providing value and spamming your audience’s feeds.

But here’s a simple framework to guide your curation cadence:

  1. Know Your Audience: What platforms do they frequent? How often do they consume content? What topics resonate most with them?
  2. Start Experimenting: Begin with a posting frequency that feels comfortable. Then, track your engagement metrics — likes, comments, shares, clicks.
  3. Iterate and Optimize: If you’re seeing high engagement, gradually increase your frequency. If engagement dips, scale back. It’s all about finding the sweet spot for your specific audience.
  4. Diversify Your Content Mix: Don’t just share articles. Mix it up with videos, infographics, quotes, polls, or even curated playlists. Variety keeps things interesting and caters to different learning styles.

The Curation Cocktail: Finding Your Perfect Blend

The golden ratio for curated vs. original content varies depending on your goals and resources.

However, when you’re just starting out as a solopreneur, entrepreneur or content creator, a good starting point is the 80/20 rule:

  • 80% Curated: Share high-quality content from other sources, adding your unique spin and sparking conversation.
  • 20% Created: Publish original content that showcases your expertise, builds your brand, and deepens your connection with your audience.

Remember, this is just a guideline.

The key is to experiment, track your results, and adjust your strategy accordingly (When you’re more advanced and have more resources, I’d suggest flipping that ratio, but to start, the goal is to build a sustainable system that doesn’t overwhelm you).

Pro Tip: Curate with a purpose. Ask yourself: “What value am I providing to my audience? How is this content helping them achieve their goals?”

The Curation Community: Building Your Tribe

Curation isn’t just about broadcasting; it’s about building relationships.

Engage with your audience, respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage discussion.

Remember, the most successful curators are also community builders.

In Conclusion

Content curation is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs who want to accelerate their learning, expand their influence, and build a thriving community.

It’s a long game, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

So, start curating.

Share your insights.

Spark conversations.

And build your empire, one piece of content at a time.




Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary

👋 | Host @ Success Story Podcast 🎙️ | I write a newsletter to 321,000 people 👉