Mobile Vs. Desktop (E-commerce) and the Ultimate Marketing Strategy

A deep dive into how consumers use their devices while making transactions and how to leverage their checkout behavior.

Saurabh Bhatia
Scott D. Clary


Photo by Igor Son on Unsplash

A funny thing about consumer behavior is that we ourselves are consumers. Every theory and every statistic pertaining to the behavior of a consumer also applies to us.

Obviously, no two people behave in the same way, and therefore their shopping habits might differ from each other, but on a more generalized scale, and with a bigger sample size, most of the theories about consumer behavior come true.

This article talks about the general shopping habits of most people around the world.

Before we start, here’s a quick question for you guys.

When you shop for something online, are your purchases made through your mobile phones, or are they made via a laptop/desktop/tablet?

Note it down next time if you can’t recall it right now. If you’re a marketer or an aspiring entrepreneur, it is important for you to understand some of these consumer trends.

More traffic. Fewer sales.



Saurabh Bhatia
Scott D. Clary

24 | Marketing Strategist who fell in love with Marketing, Football & Basketball. I also write a newsletter that talks about Business & Marketing.