What is Remarketing?


Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary
7 min readJun 26, 2024


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The Goldmine You’re Ignoring (and How to Get Rich From It)

Ever get the feeling you’re leaving money on the table?

Not in some vague, motivational-poster way, but real cash, sitting right under your nose?

It happens to the best of us.

We get so focused on the shiny new tactics in marketing that we forget the goldmine we’ve already built.

That goldmine?

It’s your past customers and website visitors.

They’ve shown interest, maybe even taken action… and yet, most brands treat them like strangers.

That’s where remarketing comes in.

The Wealth-Building Power of the Familiar

Think of it like this: You wouldn’t ignore your best friend at a party, right?

They know you, like you (hopefully), and are more likely to buy you a drink than some random person.

Remarketing operates on the same principle… you’re marketing to people who’ve already interacted with you.

Why bother?

  • Higher Conversion Rates: People who’ve interacted with your brand are already warmed up. It’s like a first date that went well — the second one is even more promising.
  • Lower Costs: It’s more cost-effective to re-engage past interest than to constantly chase new leads. Think of it as nurturing a garden you’ve already planted, rather than constantly starting new ones.
  • Personalized Experiences: You can tailor your messaging based on what they’ve seen or done before. This builds trust and relevance, like a bartender remembering your usual order.

The Remarketing Toolkit: More Than Just Ads

When most people hear “remarketing,” they think of ads that follow you around the internet.

While those can be effective, they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

Remarketing transcends all marketing activities.

  • Email Sequences: Triggered emails based on website behavior or abandoned carts. (Tool tip: Klaviyo is excellent for this.)
  • Dynamic Ads: Ads that change content based on what the person viewed on your site. (Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads excel here.)
  • Social Media Retargeting: Serving ads to your website visitors on social platforms. (Bonus points if you use custom audiences for even sharper targeting.)
  • On-Site Personalization: Changing website content for returning visitors. (Think: special offers, tailored product recommendations, etc.)

Your Unfair Advantage: The Data You Already Have

The best part about remarketing?

You don’t need to start from scratch.

You have a treasure trove of data on your customers:

  • Purchase History: What they buy tells you their interests.
  • Website Behavior: Where they click shows their intent.
  • Email Engagement: How they interact with your emails reveals their preferences.

Use this data to segment your audience and create hyper-targeted remarketing campaigns.

The Bottom Line

Remarketing isn’t just another tactic.

It’s a mindset shift — from chasing the next new customer to maximizing the value of the ones you already have.

It’s not about being creepy or invasive, but about building lasting relationships that benefit both you AND your audience.

Leveling Up: Advanced Remarketing Frameworks and Power Tools

Let’s be honest…. you’re not here for the basics.

You want the cutting-edge tactics that’ll give you an unfair advantage.

Here’s where remarketing gets really interesting.

The 80/20 Remarketing Framework

Like all good things in business, remarketing works best with a strategy.

Here’s a simple one to get you started:

  1. 80% Audience Nurturing: Focus on building relationships, not just immediate sales. Share valuable content, offer exclusive discounts, etc.
  2. 20% Direct Conversion: This is where you go for the hard sell. Limited-time offers, urgency-driven messages, etc.

The key is to strike a balance.

Too much hard selling feels pushy, but too much nurturing won’t drive revenue.

The RFM Framework: Know Your VIPs

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach.

The RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) framework lets you segment your audience based on their value to your business.

  • Recency: How recently did they interact with you?
  • Frequency: How often do they engage?
  • Monetary: How much have they spent?

By analyzing these three metrics, you can identify your most valuable customers (high RFM scores) and tailor your remarketing efforts accordingly.

This is where the 80/20 rule shines — give your VIPs the red-carpet treatment to maximize their lifetime value.

The Power Tools: Beyond the Basics

Here are some of my favorite tools you can use to help you remarket your audience.

  • Criteo: This AI-powered platform takes remarketing to the next level with dynamic creative optimization and hyper-targeted audience segmentation. It’s like having a marketing genius on your team.
  • AdRoll: A comprehensive remarketing platform that integrates with all major ad networks, making it easy to manage your campaigns across multiple channels.
  • Perfect Audience: If social media is your playground, Perfect Audience is your go-to tool for retargeting your website visitors on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Google Analytics: Your trusty sidekick for tracking website behavior and identifying high-value audience segments. Use the custom audience feature to create targeted remarketing lists for Google Ads.

The Art of the Remarketing Funnel

Remarketing isn’t just about individual tactics.

It’s about building a funnel (just like with your regular marketing campaigns) that guides your audience from awareness to conversion and beyond.

  1. Awareness: Capture their attention with relevant ads on display networks or social media.
  2. Consideration: Nurture their interest with targeted emails, personalized website content, or engaging social media posts.
  3. Conversion: Seal the deal with compelling offers, limited-time discounts, or urgency-driven messages.
  4. Loyalty: Keep them engaged and coming back for more with exclusive rewards, personalized recommendations, or early access to new products.

The key is to create a seamless experience that feels natural and relevant to your audience.

The Remarketing Matrix: A Blueprint for Personalization

To truly personalize your remarketing, you need a framework for mapping your audience’s journey and tailoring your messages at each stage.

Here’s a simple one:

By matching the right message to the right audience at the right time, you can create a seamless and engaging experience that drives repeat business.

Your Remarketing Masterclass

Remarketing is a complex beast, but with the right tools and frameworks, it can become your most powerful growth engine.

Just to summarize the things you really need to rememer.

  1. Data is King: Collect as much data as you can on your audience’s behavior and preferences.
  2. Segment Ruthlessly: Divide your audience into smaller groups for hyper-targeted messaging.
  3. Personalize Relentlessly: Use dynamic ads, tailored emails, and on-site recommendations to create a unique experience for each visitor.
  4. Automate Aggressively: Leverage tools to streamline your remarketing efforts and save time.
  5. Measure Meticulously: Track your results and adjust your strategy based on what works best.

Remarketing Case Studies: Inspiration from the Pros

Theory is great, but real-world examples are even better.

Let’s peek behind the curtain at some remarketing campaigns that crushed it:

  • Dollar Shave Club: This subscription service used humorous video ads and clever email sequences to retarget website visitors who didn’t convert. Their secret weapon? A strong brand voice and a laser focus on customer pain points.
  • Airbnb: They leveraged dynamic ads that showcased personalized recommendations based on the user’s previous searches. This not only increased conversions but also enhanced the overall user experience.
  • ASOS: The fashion retailer used a multi-channel remarketing approach, combining email, social media, and display ads to create a cohesive and engaging experience for their audience. Their secret sauce? A data-driven approach and a willingness to experiment.

These are just a few examples of how remarketing can be used to drive real business results.

The key takeaway?

Be creative, be relevant, and be persistent.

Beyond the Sale: Remarketing for Customer Retention and Loyalty

Remarketing isn’t just about getting new customers.

It’s also a powerful tool for retaining your existing ones and turning them into loyal brand advocates.

Here’s how:

  • Win-Back Campaigns: Re-engage customers who haven’t purchased in a while with personalized offers, exclusive discounts, or reminders of their past purchases.
  • Loyalty Programs: Reward your most loyal customers with exclusive perks, early access to new products, or personalized recommendations.
  • Referral Programs: Encourage your customers to spread the word about your brand by offering them incentives for referring their friends and family.

By focusing on building long-term relationships with your customers, you’ll create a sustainable and profitable business.

The Bottom Line: Remarketing is Your Secret Weapon

In the competitive world of entrepreneurship, remarketing is your secret weapon.

It’s the key to unlocking the full potential of your existing audience and building a sustainable and profitable business.

So, are you ready to unleash the power of remarketing?

The choice is yours.

But remember, the most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who embrace change and adapt to the latest trends.

The future of remarketing is here.

Don’t get left behind.




Scott D. Clary
Scott D. Clary

👋 scottdclary.com | Host @ Success Story Podcast 🎙️ | I write a newsletter to 321,000 people 👉 newsletter.scottdclary.com