Are You Yes Yet?

Roger C.
Scottish Independence Discussion
2 min readOct 14, 2016

Whilst the SNP are the most obvious exponents of Scottish Independence it is an example of either political ignorance or political naivety to presume that all of those whom want Scottish Independence are supporters of the SNP. A great number (almost certainly a growing number) of people who are attracted to Scottish Independence are not SNP supporters, were not fans of Salmond, and would not want an SNP government for an independent Scotland. A growing voice for Scottish Independence is representative of those who, due to the ill-judged EU Referendum, can see the fatal flaw in the alignment of Scottish sovereignty to the whims of Westminster politics.

It’s not about a hatred for the English or a sentimental love affair with a shortbread tin romanticism of a lost Scottish past that is swaying a large group of newly turned Yes voters, it’s a maturing realisation that the problems defining Westminster politics do not have to define Scotland. Scotland can forge a new relationship with its neighbours, just as it can reinvigorate its relationships with its neighbours on the European mainland. Scotland can recast itself on the world stage.

Unlike the catastrophic fumblings of the current Tory leadership and government with the exit from the EU, Scotland have plans and structures in place for independence. We have all seen the disastrous rhetoric spewed forth by May and her ministers towards Europe; it is possible an independent Scotland, with a renewed role within a reformed Union of Kingdoms, could intercede on Britain’s behalf and, working with whatever progressive government replaces the failed Tories, help secure Britain’s new relationship with the EU. An independent Scotland could offer Britain a new bridge to Europe after the Tories have done so much to burn the ones that currently exist.

The SNP will put forward the first steps towards a second Scottish Independence referendum next week, something that should be received with relief by many and guarded interest by others. The components of independence should be clearly defined, so that they can be held up for scrutiny (unlike the EU Referendum debacle). I hope all the voices for independence can grasp the opportunity to debate the matter, very much as they did in the first IndyRef, including those new voices who have rather seen the light in the aftermath of 2014. This second tilt at an independence referendum by the SNP will hopefully see them playing better with others in their governance, I think they failed first time around by embracing to narrow a church. Just as Britain currently needs a collaborative progressive alliance in government to negotiate a post EU Referendum Britain, Scotland needs a voice for independence that reflects everyone.



Roger C.
Scottish Independence Discussion

Focused on Social Justice, Education, and Politics, with an academic background in social research and Education. My blog