LIVE BLOG: First Presidential Debate

Scott Hiney
Scott M. Hiney
5 min readSep 27, 2016


Sit back and relax while we follow along with tonight’s first presidential debate.

9:39 pm –– Well, it’s all over. It wasn’t the worst debate, but Lester Holt really under-performed because he didn’t pick a method of moderation.

Hillary, again, appeared Vanilla. This makes sense if the strategy is to just let Trump tire himself out. But, if the public is now numb to that version of Trump, it’s going to hurt her.

Trump, again, appeared aggressive and scary –– but not in a way that makes him appear to be a strong leader. Nevertheless, that image hasn’t really failed him yet and I think the undecided voters will continue to consider him as long as Hillary shows she’s untrustworthy and more of the same.

Goodnight, folks. I greatly appreciated this adventure with you.

9:36 pm –– All of Hillary’s attack ads have only been filled with verbatim footage of him –– not slander. Keep in mind, right before saying he didn’t deserve to be attacked, he said that when he did the same to Rosie O’Donnell, she did deserve it.

9:33 pm –– As my roommate pointed out, Trump really had the chance to push Hillary about the Clinton Foundation tonight, but didn’t. Instead, he’s arguing she doesn’t have stamina –– the option that’s clearly much easier to prove.

9:30 pm –– Once again, Hillary failed to take the opportunity she was given to distance herself from Trump. They’re equally unlikable, but she has a better chance to widen her base –– but only if she can sharply contrast herself from Trump’s aggression. But she didn’t do that, she was very vanilla tonight.

9:25 pm –– Trump’s entire goal tonight should have been to prove the apparent “winning temperament” he possesses. I would believe if he actually took the opportunity to display it. I trust that it’s there, but he gets caught up in the show of it all.

9:23 pm –– “Whew! Okay.” Is easily the best thing Hillary has said tonight.

9:20 pm –– Lester Holt can’t decide when to hold a candidate to what they’ve asserted and when to move on. So, instead, he just does nothing.

9:16 pm –– I really thought Trump started this debate well, but he gets so caught up in trying to be the most impressive person on the stage that he forgets that’s literally the most-hated quality in people.

9:11 pm –– Trump says he could care less about the support of the “political hacks,” but he paid $51,000 just for Ted Cruz’ mailing database.

9:09 pm –– This is my favorite tweet of the night (so far).

9:03 pm –– Hillary should appear as if she’s above the birther argument. Let it die. If you don’t, you make Trump –– who keeps saying he’s moved on –– actually look like he’s moved on.

She didn’t listen to me.

9:00 pm –– Hillary shouldn’t try to make big “burn” or “zinger” points. She comes off like Jeb Bush.

8:58 pm –– Trump waited until the race question had passed before ever acknowledging the plight of African-Americans, criticizing people like Hillary Clinton. But Hillary was the one who immediately pointed out their plight when the question was initially asked.

8:51 pm –– I think Hillary took this to the place Trump wouldn’t. Law and order is important, but the question here is whether or not we need to re-think what that entails. Trump asserts that we must regain law and order –– regardless of if it’s effective or not.

Also, neither is speaking clearly tonight. So, there’s that.

8:49 pm –– Trump really didn’t answer any questions about the minority groups that are being targeted by law enforcement. There’s clearly not one victim and one perpetrator within that issue, but this doesn’t really help the rhetoric that Trump fails to empathize with African-Americans.

8:46 pm –– I just viewed my Snapchat, and I saw something pretty cool. Out of 17 Snapchat stories I just looked at, 16 of them were watching the debate. This election is very important to my age group –– even if you’re hearing that we don’t care and aren’t interested.

8:41 pm –– Airports are a really weird thing about America to attack. We have over 85,000 flights per day according to the NATC, multiple international airports for each of our major cities, and incredible safety standards that are dynamic and change as our threats change.

Also, he sounds very tired. Which, I understand. It’s hard to sound angry for 90 minutes straight.

8:36 pm –– I really don’t like that Holt brought this issue up. I know candidates’ pasts are important, but we finally need to let the candidates be clear on policy of all fronts.

8:34 pm –– I believe Trump quoted his 2016 income, and then called it “the kind of thinking this country needs.” What exactly is the “thinking” he’s referring to? Also, it’s always smart to go against the advice of the lawyers.

Although, applying to Clinton’s email situation is a wonder deflection because his refusal of information pales in comparison to her’s.

8:27 pm –– Lester Holt, to my knowledge, does not exist so far.

8:24 pm –– Trump’s group has clearly tried to have him better-prepared in terms of research on Hillary’s past and current voting/policy record, but, if he brings the focus on him continually calling out these things, he’ll once again fail to show his merit, opting to just show Hillary’s lack of thereof.

8:19 pm –– One of my favorite parts about Twitter is pulling up old tweets. I fully can believe that Trump has changed his mind over the past four years, but, he specifically said he never claimed China created global warming, but…

8:15 pm –– Things are tame so far, I think it’s clear that Mr. Trump is consciously watching his tone –– which sounds trivial, but it truly can make a difference in his perception.

8:02 pm –– As we start, I believe Donald Trump’s goal tonight should be to appear more level-headed and avoid the sort of loud, exaggerated points that have gotten him in trouble. I believe Hillary Clinton’s goal should be humanize herself and use his policy-laden background to do just that –– communicate her policy.

7:55 pm –– Well my website crashed so we’ll hang out here. Lester Holt just took the stage, here’s a nice look at what to look for and expect from a debate moderator.



Scott Hiney
Scott M. Hiney

You might know me from what you sit on. Creatively-minded, digitally-driven.