Boloco Bowl vs. Outtakes Burger?

Scout Design
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2016

By Manavi Datta

Geoff House came and spoke to us last week.

We learned a ton. Here’s what you missed:

It turns out, inspiring organizations and individuals use a tool called The Golden Circle to guide their decisions. Simon Sinek, author of the book ‘Start With Why’, founded this concept.

Geoff House, former Director of Design at Yeti, recommended from his learning over the years that one should start with the ‘why’ and then answer the ‘how/’what’ of design and business decisions as opposed to vice versa, as commonly practiced.

This is because, as he stated: “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

While this is great for an organization, how does this affect us as students?

Well, we developed this guide just for you.

When you’re…

Looking for a co-op/job: make sure you question ‘why’ you’re looking at what you’re looking at (lol). What does that mean? Your time is valuable, make sure you know why you’re giving it away.

When you’re…

Experiencing a tough decision in life: Let’s say you’re trying to decide between a Bolocco Bowl vs. an outtakes burger. Instead of asking yourself which item to go for (Boloco, duh), this is a good opportunity to ask yourself why you’re consuming this meal? Is it for nutrition? energy? post-gym? Netflix? Once you pin that down, making that decision will suddenly feel less intimidating.

But don’t just stop there, starting with why, as simple as it may seem, can truly guide your career as a designer, entrepreneur, student and everything in between.

Watch the full talk here.

That’s all, folks! Thanks for reading. See you at our next event.

