Different Country, Same Passion @Scout24: Meet Hinakoushar Tatakoti

Scout24 Engineering
3 min readSep 21, 2021

Hinakoushar Tatakoti is a working student for Data Engineering. She moved to Germany from her native India after working in the UK for a short period of time. We talked to her about how her individual background influences her work, the biggest challenges in moving to a new country and how she likes her job.

Hi Hinakoushar, where are you originally from and what is your job at ImmoScout24?

Hinakoushar: I’m from the southern part of India. I started my job as a working student for Data Engineering at Scout24 in mid 2021.

What has been the biggest challenge moving to and working in a new country such as Germany?

Hinakoushar: Before coming to Germany, I worked in the UK for a short period of time so travelling to Germany was not tough for me. I was lucky enough to get an apartment reservation from the studentenwerk’s (a German service provider for students) dormitories back in India before I arrived, so apartment search was not tiresome for me. However, after arriving in Germany I faced one of the biggest challenges which is language barrier, and I am still facing it in my daily life. Every time I order food, I use sign language whereas searching for a new student job was effortless as I already had some work experience even though I had some rejections as well. However, I like being a Berliner and have made a number of unforgettable memories with my new friends.

How does your individual background influence your work at ImmoScout24 and with your team?

Hinakoushar: Back in India I worked as a Software Engineer so I had the opportunity to gain a lot of insights into different tools for development, how IT and team collaboration work, etc. Currently I’m pursuing a master’s degree in Data Science, and being a working student in Data Engineering at ImmoScout24 makes me feel special. I strongly believe it will add an advantage to my carrier in the field of Data Science.

What do you enjoy about your job here at ImmoScout24?

Hinakoushar: I enjoy my work a lot even though I haven’t got the chance to meet all of my team members in the office. I love working with my team as everyone is very helpful, friendly and always supports me whenever I have questions or encounter problems with a task. In addition, my manager is a very nice person who always motivates me and I really appreciate his flexibility and leniency.

Do you miss anything here that you had in your home country?

Hinakoushar: Yes of course! I do miss many things, particularly my family members who always pampered me with their love. I also crave for South Indian food as we have plenty of breakfast options. In fact, I miss dosa, which is a thin pancake, terribly and long for more sunlight since we don’t get to see it more often here in Germany.

How many languages do you speak?

Hinakoushar: Altogether I speak 3 languages. Kannada is my mother tongue. In addition, I talk in Hindi to my family and friends from India and use English at work. I also started to learn German through YouTube and from my German friends, but it seems very difficult to me.

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Scout24 Engineering

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