How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Internship [with Example and Template]

Chelsea Damon
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2018

So you might be asking yourself, “What makes a great cover letter?” Not only that, but what’s the difference between cover letter for a full-time job and one written for an internship?

Well, we’re here to help with that.

A cover letter is a company’s or organization’s first impression of you. You’re showing your hiring manager how you stand out from the rest, And sharing a piece of your story that goes beyond the resume. In it, you’ll be able to convey pieces of your personality as well as direct the reader’s attention to your skills and qualifications.

Why you?

Sure, your cover letter should be used to express your interest and excitement in a position, but you should also use your cover letter to show why you’d be great at it. Give examples of things you’ve done in the past or things you do now that would be useful to you on the job. Have you made a difference for anyone or a company during a past internship doing something that you would be doing during your next internship? Let the hiring manager know! If you can, give specific examples for how you were able to make someone or some organization’s life better because you were there. This is your

How is the internship relevant to your career?

While the majority of your cover letter should be focused on what you can do for the company, it’s a good idea to bring your career objectives to attention. By telling the hiring manager that you hope to one day be a ______, you’re letting them know that you’re serious about your career and you’ll take every step to get there seriously, too. It’ll also show the hiring manager that you’re the type of person who makes calculated decisions. Not a bad quality to have for any career path.

What are you studying?

Let the hiring manager know that what you’re studying now is relevant to the internship you’re looking for. Even if you’re studying, say, English, and you hope to one day pursue a career in marketing, let the hiring manager know what you’re learning that’s relatable to a career in that field. What is a class that was extremely interesting to you? Did you develop a passion for a certain aspect of your field? Think about mentioning it. And by “mention” we mean, bring it up, but keep it brief. Only bring things up that are pertinent to convincing the hiring manager you’d be a great fit for their internship.

The closing paragraph

Lastly, reiterate the fact that you would be excited to meet with the manager to talk about the internship along with what you can contribute to the role. Give them your contact information and sign it with expecting hopefulness.

Take a look at our template below! While we’ve written out an example cover letter for you, it’s important to really make your cover letter your own. Use your own conversational yet professional language. Be genuine about what excites you about the company and the internship.

Download the Internship Cover Letter Template here!

Lastly, let us know what you think of our cover letter! Leave your thought and your own cover letter tips in the comments below!

