Meet the Instructor: Naveen R.

NanoCoders encourages peer instruction, play, and inquiry

The Scratch Team
The Scratch Team Blog
6 min readJul 13, 2015


Naveen Ram introduces NanoCoders students to programming concepts through Scratch.

By My Nguyen

NanoCoders is a coding camp for “nano” people. That is, NanoCoders is a coding camp for young people.

Based in Palo Alto, California, this unique coding camp for eight to 12-year-olds touts that kids will learn advanced programming concepts as they code a game using Scratch.

To create a supportive, low-stress, high-achieving environment, NanoCoders camps are peer-led. Play and learning mingle together, with instructors and camp members often taking time off to enjoy a game of basketball or a board game.

Last year, NanoCoders offered two camps — at the end of them, every camper said that they wanted more.

This might have something to do with NanoCoders’ founder and cardinal instructor, Naveen R.

Naveen is not your average coding camp instructor — he’s 15-years-old.

A rising sophomore at Gunn High School, Naveen is an avid drummer and plays with the Gunn Jazz Band, the Peninsula Youth Orchestra, and the Peninsula Symphony. He’s also an avid programmer.

When Naveen and his family moved to Palo Alto in 2011, he got to know many of the younger children in the neighborhood through babysitting. Last year, he decided he wanted to share his enthusiasm for coding with the neighborhood kids — and he wanted to make sure that it was as accessible as possible.

Thus, NanoCoders was created.

The Scratch Foundation spoke to Naveen to learn more about his personal Scratch story and what makes NanoCoders unique.

How did you become interested in Scratch?

I was first introduced to Scratch at a coding camp at Georgia Tech when I was eight-years-old. I created a few games and explored the editor a bit; but my interest in Scratch really formed when I revisited it when I was 13. I was surprised at how much it had improved. It could be edited online, and it included concepts like functions and objects. There was an amazing community of Scratchers who were always posting and remixing. I was blown away by the new Scratch.

Do you remember the first project you made? What was it?

The first Scratch project I made was a simple pong game. I liked how all it took was a paddle and a ball to make an addicting game. Years later, when I taught my first NanoCoders camp, I used the same pong mechanics to make the brickbreaker project.

How about the most challenging?

Although I have created far more complicated projects, the hardest one to get right was my Galaga game for the NanoCoders Advanced Camp. I spent weeks trying to settle on a game that would be fun to build and introduce students to concepts like functions and cloning, without being too complicated or large for them to complete in a week. It was extremely difficult to design a project that could challenge advanced students and still be simple enough for younger kids to enjoy. In the end, Galaga seems like it was a good choice, but I will keep looking for new projects for next year.

Tell me about NanoCoders.

NanoCoders is a company I started to spread my love of coding to local kids. We offered two very successful camps in the summer of 2014. Both camps served as a first introduction to the world of programming to groups of around six kids, ages eight to 12. Many of the kids — and parents! — asked for more. This year, we expanded to offer an Advanced Camp.

Ram looks on as students work to complete their games.

What motivated you to begin NanoCoders?

I love teaching and working with kids. I was introduced to Scratch and LEGO Mindstorms at Georgia Tech when I was eight-years-old. Later, when I moved to Palo Alto, I got to know many of the neighborhood kids through babysitting. I thought it would be great if I could share my love of coding with them, so I created NanoCoders and started teaching camps.

What kind of skills will participants learn in your coding camps?

The main goal of our camps is to introduce young kids to computer science in a way that leaves them excited to learn more. I cover all of the computer science concepts needed to code a basic, interactive game.

During our sessions, I encourage kids to engage their creativity and personalize their projects, as well as to develop the problem-solving skills to debug and refine their code. I also encourage leadership and collaboration by having campers work in groups, often pairing more experienced coders with beginners.

Students share their personal experiences in the NanoCoders camp.

The NanoCoders web site stresses the significance of peer teaching. Why do you think peer teaching is effective when learning how to code?

Peer teaching is effective because it breaks the barriers between teacher and student. It turns the one-way lecture into a discussion in which student input is as important as teacher instruction. The other great thing about peer teaching is that the atmosphere is much more informal. When you are learning to code, you will have a hundred questions, and I want to make sure that no one feels too shy or too embarrassed to ask them. I know I have succeeded when it gets really noisy as campers ask one another for help or show their code or share their games.

Why is learning to code important?

I believe that it is vital that kids learn to code, not only because of the countless opportunities it opens up, but also because of its ability to empower kids and give them the ability to create. There is no other tool available to children that gives them the power to turn their dreams into creations that are entirely theirs. There is no other way that they can innovate and craft their original ideas into useful programs. Whether it is used to create a website or to reimagine a favorite game, coding is essential because it gives kids the unique ability to create.

NanoCoders students collaborate with one another to create Scratch projects.

Do you have a favorite NanoCoders memory or anecdote you can share?

My favorite story starts with a very shy girl. She was so shy that she did not say a single word on the first day of camp. I had a large group of about 10 campers, and I worried that she would not be able to keep up and that I could not give her enough attention. She refused to come out to play basketball and wanted to stay back to draw and color. Surprisingly, one other kid stayed back, so I left them indoors coloring. Later on that day, I was amazed at the change in her. She was talking to her coloring partner. By the end of the week, she was transformed. She laughed, she talked, and her game was very cool. And the best part is, when I announced my Advanced Camp, she was the first to sign up.

What are your future plans?

I have two main goals that I want to accomplish with NanoCoders in the next few years. The first is simple: I want to reach more kids. Since I can only teach so many kids myself, I want to hire more instructors so that we can teach more sessions. I also plan to find other high schoolers who can start NanoCoders branches in other cities. This way, I can spread my love of coding to kids outside of Palo Alto.

My second goal is to diversify the classes we offer. Right now, we teach a Scratch Basics Camp, and an Advanced Camp that delves into more complicated concepts in Scratch. I want to offer a two-part camp where students learn concepts in Scratch, and then apply them in a simple text language, such as Python. Additionally, I have been considering offering a camp where kids can come up with their own game ideas and — over the course of a week or two — create an original game.

My Nguyen is Communications Specialist for the Scratch Foundation.



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