Development Log: A Visual Identity

Robbie Blair
Screen Based Communication
2 min readOct 13, 2018

Colour Palette

As the website will be focussed on how single use plastics effect the ocean and its life It was big jump to the idea of using ocean based imagery for my websites visual identity. The colour palette for the website uses a blend of dark and light shades of blue, that I pulled from an image of the sea, which I will be using for general colouring for the website in its menus, sections, and text and will be using the colours in my logo design as well.


Designing the logo was quick as I had a rough idea of what I wanted from it visually. I looked into both photographs and illustrations of humpback whales to get the imagery right. After some rough sketches for imagery I designed the logo and scanned it so I could add the colours as well as sort out some of the line work so it was smoother.


I will be using Trebuchet MS as my font of choice for my website. I find that it looks bith friendly and professional, being a very easy to read. I’ll be approaching my website with as friendly a voice as possible. I’ll be trying to simplify some of the scientific points that I may need to make in my website but without dumbing down to a patronising level for the user.

