Game of Thrones 8.2 — “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” Episode Guide

Mike McGee
Screen Gods
Published in
27 min readApr 29, 2019

There’s only one rule in Game of Thrones: No one can be happy so anyone who’s happy in this episode will die. Sorry, I don’t make the rules but I do know who does.

Overall Episode Thoughts


Sean: I’m gonna mention up top that I don’t have TOO many scene specific rantings, theories and usual crazy talk this week. It was just a lot of great individual moments all tied together by the impending doom that’s approaching. This episode was less of a plot-driver episode and more of one that gives emotional closure to some character’s story arcs while setting up the end-game for some others. Jorah, Theon, Brienne, even Jaime and Arya can all die right now and have had completed their character arc. Jorah has accepted that his role isn’t to be the one right beside Dany, but to help be her conscience. Theon has returned to fight for the only family he ever truly had, and in doing so be redeemed for his betrayal. Brienne has been formally accepted and recognized as maybe the truest knight in the Seven Kingdoms. Jaime, by knighting her, has basically come full around from who he was in Season 1. Arya has seemingly fully embraced her humanity and identity.

This episode also helped set up the endgame for what I’d say are the four key characters in The North right now: Sansa, Jon, Dany and Tyrion. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that they all have Plot Armor through the next few episodes, but there’s still more there. Sansa is the only one that seems to be thinking about what happens in the future and how things may look post Battle of Winterfell / fight with Cersei. Tyrion still has to be “redeemed” in the sense that he WAS known for using his brain to outsmart everyone, but has been outsmarted for the better part of two seasons. Could that redemption come while he’s in the crypts? PROBABLY! Jon and Dany still have… well, they’ve got a lot of well documented issues that need to be resolved.

You may be asking about all the other characters and their arcs and all that. Well, aside from maybe Sam and Bran, everyone else is kinda just window dressing at this point. Do Davos, Varys, Missandei, Pod, Tormund, Gendry or The Hound really NEED to do anything else? Not really. Yes, Yes, Clegane Bowl. But that doesn’t HAVE to happen. STOP YELLING AT ME CLEGANE BOWL IS NOT ACTUALLY NECESSARY.

Mike: WE WANT THE CLEGANE BOWL SEAN AND YOU CAN’T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM US! However, you’re right. It isn’t necessary but they did enough foreshadowing in the S7 finale to give #CleganeBowlTruthers hope!

*ok back to the episode*

This episode was definitely 80’s teen movie meets reality TV show reunion and I was so here for it. If only because of what may or may not happen in tonight’s episode 😱 Also, most of these characters haven’t seen each other in years, so giving them (and us) the ability to pay tribute to their amazing journeys was worth it.

The Brienne knight scene? 😭 incredible 😩 Is she dead before 9:30 PM Central time tonight? Probably. Jorah? V dead. Tormund? Ok, he stays alive because I sa — nope, he’s dead too. Alright, this is making me sad let’s get into these scene breakdowns:

Slightly Updated Opening Credits!

There were a couple updates to the opening credits sequence, so let’s 🧐 investigate 🔍

The Night King is getting closer

Last Hearth during the S8E1 credits sequence

Last Hearth after Screaming Ned Umber terrified the fuck outta us

Defenses around Winterfell

Winterfell before they knew the Night King was coming tomorrow

Winterfell AFTER they knew the Night King was coming tomorrow*

Note: Of course, we don’t know if the Night King will show up at Winterfell (we’ll talk more about that later), but a bunch of White Walkers and wights are chillin outside Winterfell right now.

Sean: The trenches would work better if there weren’t holes in them, IMO

Mike: I don’t know much about trenches but I think trenches that have fire and dragonglass death stakes aren’t the worst idea?

👁 👁 👁 Jaime gets the Bran treatment 👀

“When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man who murdered our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat.Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor.He told me other stories as well. About all the things we would do to that man once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp.” — Dany

Mike: Ok, so Dany is a little angry here.

Sean: I feel like this could have gone better for Jaime if he had just said “Yeah, I killed your dad — because he was gonna try to BURN THE WHOLE FUCKING CITY TO THE GROUND GODDAMN WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO LET HIM DO IT?” Or something to that effect.

Mike: Exactly! This happens in sooo many TV shows. A character is presented with an easy opportunity to close an important loop but decides “nah this won’t be important.” 🤦🏿‍♂️ DUNK THE ALLEY-OOP JAIME YOU NEED EVERYTHING YOU CAN GET.

However, Jaime ain’t the only one walking on eggshells here because Dany trying to defend her dad’s honor at Stark HQ is a bold choice. Like, yes, he’s your dad, but ummmm he did some bad shit so maybe chill a little bit here?

Sansa: You’re right. We can’t trust him. He attacked my father in the streets. He tried to destroy my house and my family, the same as he did yours.

Jaime: Do you want me to apologize? I won’t. We were at war. Everything I did, I did for my house and my family. I’d do it all again.

Bran: The things we do for love.

Mike: Ohhhhh man Jaime’s face was perfect. You know Bran been waiting YEARS to say that and Jaime’s reaction was perfect. #TheNorthRemembers bitch!

This goes beyond loyalty

Dany: So why have you abandoned your house and family now?

Jaime: Because this goes beyond loyalty. This is about survival.

🚨 Callback Alert 🚨

Brienne said a similar line about loyalty during the Dragon Pit meeting in the S7 finale:

“You don’t know me well, Your Grace. But I know Ser Jaime. He is a man of honor. I was his captor once. But when we were both taken prisoner and the men holding us tried to force themselves on me, Ser Jaime defended me. And lost his hand because of it. Without him, my lady, you would not be alive.” — Brienne

Mike: This is a beautiful defense of Jaime BUT HOW DID YOU NOT TALK ABOUT THE BEAR FIGHT SCENE? Jaime saved you from 👏🏿 a 👏🏿 bear 🐻 fight 👏🏿 In a show about dragons, faceless men/women and undead people, this scene is still one of the most ridiculous moments in GoT history.

Brienne: He armed me, armored me, and sent me to find you and bring you home because he’d sworn an oath to your mother.

Sansa: You vouch for him?

Brienne: I do.

Sansa: You would fight beside him?

Brienne: I would.

Mike: Jaime’s face while Brienne is defending him 😩😍

Sean: Ah yes, the Transitive Property of Trust. Always works out well for everyone (although I do think it’ll work out ok this time around).

Mike: Lolllll Dany is BIG mad here. And the streak of incredible facial reactions continue on this show.

Mike: Jon’s like IDGAF about this past bullshit WE NEED PEOPLE. Poor Jon. He’s just real tired, may have already got his aunt pregnant, and has an six-figure undead army marching towards his crib. Like, he has so much shit to worry about on a daily basis I wonder if he even remembers that he died?!

Also LOL at Dany thinking Jon was gonna side with her. Just because y’all fuckin don’t mean he’s gonna be your yes man 😂

Mike: Your performance review could have been a lot worse, Jaime.

😬 Why So Awkward Jon? 😬

Tyrion’s leadership in the danger zone?

Dany: Either you knew Cersei was lying and let me believe otherwise, or you didn’t know at all. Which makes you either a traitor or a fool.

Tyrion: I was a fool.

Dany: Not for the first time. Cersei still sits on the throne. If you can’t help me take it back, I’ll find another Hand who can.

Sean: Seen this a few places, thought I’d echo it here — Could Tyrion’s “redemption” be using his brain to save people, MAYBE WHILE HE’S IN THE CRYPTS?

Mike: I hope so because damn he’s been taking some Ls. Also, props to Erik Voss from New Rockstars for pointing out how Jorah and Varys are framed behind Tyrion in the exact succession order of the Hand of the Queen. All the details!


Mike: Ok, before we get to the badass “I know death” part of this scene first we must talk about THESE LOOKS.

Mike: My goodness you two get a ro — oh wait.

Sean: Gendry’s look at the end here can only be described one way:

Mike: Yes! Also, is Scared and Horny a reality TV show? Get to work Bravo!!!!

😅 How You Know There’s An “Afterwards?” 😱

Jaime: I’m sorry for what I did to you.

Bran: You weren’t sorry then. You were protecting your family.

Jaime: I’m not that person anymore.

Bran: You still would be, if you hadn’t pushed me out of that window. And I would still be Brandon Stark.

Jaime: You’re not?

Bran: No. I’m something else now.[RAVEN CAWS]

Jaime: You’re not angry at me.

Bran: I’m not angry at anyone.

Jaime: Why didn’t you tell them?

Bran: You won’t be able to help us in this fight if I let them murder you first.

Jaime: What about afterwards?

Bran: How do you know there is an afterwards?

Mike: I do love how Bran says “I’m not angry at anyone” and “you weren’t sorry then” in the same conversation. I mean I know what he’s saying but damn Bran knows how to cut!

I also love how a raven cawed when Bran said he’s “something else now.” BRANDING ON LOCK YALL.

Jaime talks to his buds

Tyrion & Jaime memory lane

“I made a mistake common to clever people. I underestimated my opponents.” — Tyrion

Mike: Could this be the first stage of Tyrion’s redemption tour? We’ll see!

Tyrion: Cersei told me the pregnancy had changed her. A chance for you both to start again. And I believed her. Was she lying about the baby too?

Jaime: No, that part is real. She’s always been good at using the truth to tell lies. I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. She’s fooled me more than anybody.

Tyrion: What? She never fooled you.You always knew exactly what she was, and you loved her anyway.

Mike: So… how does Jaime know Cersei is pregnant? I mean as much as I love the “she’s always been good at using the truth to tell lies” line like… how do you know know? Also, there’s like 75–1 odds on Tyrion’s “was she lying about the baby too?” line being used in a future “Previously On Game of Thrones” scene.

And thank you Tyrion for calling out Jaime here. He knew his sister was diabolically evil from the jump.

“So… we’re going to die… at Winterfell.” — Tyrion

“At least Cersei won’t get to murder me. I’m sure I’ll feel some satisfaction denying her that pleasure while I’m being ripped apart by dead men. Maybe after I’m dead I’ll march down to King’s Landing and rip her apart.” — Tyrion

Mike: “At least Cersei won’t get to murder me.” OH NO

Sean: Narrator: She will!”

Mike: Yeah, I don’t like this undead Tyrion or “death by Cersei via Bronn” pictures in my head LEAVE PLEASE.

Jaime & Brienne — Part Two

Mike: Ahhh yes the “flirt with a woman by saying joking insults” move. Classic.

“I came to Winterfell because I’m not the fighter I used to be. But I’d be honored to serve under your command, if you’ll have me.” — Jaime

Jorah Supports Tyrion

Mike: Defending Tyrion? A genuinely surprising plot twist, Jorah.

Sean: Jorah knows he’s probably dying out there, so he might as well give some good counsel while he’s still living.

Mike: And now that I remember — this isn’t the last time Jorah has defended Tyrion. How could I forget the stonemen scene from Season 5?! This fight changed Jorah’s life a little bit 😅


Sean: Can we take a moment to appreciate Sansa’s badass armor/dress combo? I mean, look at how badass this look is:

The Lady of Winterfell isn’t about to take shit from ANYONE. Also, I like the chain/ring necklace combo things she’s been rocking for the last few seasons.

Mike: KILLIN IT Sansa. Reminds me of one of my favorite Sansa looks back in Season 4.

Sansa: Families are complicated.

Dany: Ours certainly have been.

Sansa: A sad thing to have in common.

Dany: We have other things in common. We’ve both known what it means to lead people who aren’t inclined to accept a woman’s rule. And we’ve both done a damn good job of it, from what I can tell. And yet, I can’t help but feel we’re at odds with one another. Why is that? Your brother.

Sansa: He loves you, you know that.

Dany: That bothers you.

Dany: All my life, I’ve known one goal: the Iron Throne.Taking it back from the people who destroyed my family, and almost destroyed yours. My war was against them. Until I met Jon. Now I’m here, half a world away, fighting Jon’s war alongside him. Tell me, who manipulated whom?

Sansa: I should have thanked you the moment you arrived. That was a mistake.

Mike: OMG OMG is it happening? PLEASE BE FRIENDS

Mike: Yassssssssssssss please make this moment last forever 😩😍

Sean: This “someone taller” line made me curious what the actual height difference is between Kit Harrington and Jason Momoa, and the internet came through:

Sean: You know, I thought there would be more of a difference.

Mike: I did some googling myself and learned that Kit is 5' 8" and Jason is 6' 4" so it’s not an insignificant difference. Also, “kit harrington height” is the 4th result when you type his name and “jason momoa height” is the first result 😂

😭 And then all the fun ends 🥶

Mike: NooOooooOooooooo we were so close! Dany pulling her hands back just gutted me. I finally stopped crying two days ago.

Sean: Why doesn’t she give Sansa the same independence deal she gave Yara and the Iron Islands?

Mike: Oh yea I forgot about that! Queen Daenerys, Ruler of the Five Kingdoms? Don’t know how much Dany would love that. You start granting independence to everyone like a civilized person and that’s when things go off the rails, Sean! And I believe Aegon the Conqueror was the first one to unify all the kingdoms, so Dany, as a student of history, doesn’t want to give up anymore at the moment.

But I also have a few more things to talk about here: let’s call this Hate / Love / Respect

Hate: Yes, Sansa. Y’all took back the North from… y’allz own people! The Boltons are a Northern house, so it wasn’t like Dorne came in trying to start shit. Sure, the Lannisters helped out but I just think them defeating Ramsey is a proper reason to be like “fuck everybody else.”

Love: But, on the flip side I do love how Sansa buttered up Dany with the Jon talk and then hit her with the “What about afterwards?” How Sansa’s face subtlely changes from admiration to an evil smirk is perfection.

Respect: Yes, in just under four hours from now Sansa and everyone else at Winterfell won’t be worried about the Iron Throne, but I respect Sansa for protecting the North’s interests in a post-Night King world. Ya know, if there is one including non-dead people.

Theon + Sansa = #Theonsa?

Mike: I 😍 love 😍 that Dany checked about Yara (there’s still a chance for their relationship, y’all)! But hello Sansa and Theon?

Mike: Dany was like “I want someone to hug me like that.”

I’ll be honest, I really did forget all the shit Sansa and Theon went through. She did some work to turn Reek back into Theon.

Sean: I mean, Theon is totally dying next episode, so this won’t really get much more payoff. But there is definitely a bit more there than some people seem to have thought.

Davos Shireen Callback

Mike: Wow, D&D way to just hit the Shireen callback DIRECTLY on the head.

Mike: But then I went on the internet and people are speculating that Davos may have to burn this girl after she gets killed in the next episode and for the four millionth time this show sucks.

Sean: No, I most certainly will NOT think about Davos having to burn that little girl FUCK THAT.

More Reunions: Beyond the Wall edition!


Jon: How long do we have?

Tormund: Before the sun comes up tomorrow.

Mike: Anddddd then it gets sad again.

Mike: But then it gets fun again!

“The big woman still here?” — Tormund

The Night King motives & Battle for Winterfell Planning

Jon: We can’t beat them in a straight fight.

Jaime: So, what can we do?

Jon: The Night King made them all. They follow his command. If he falls — getting to him may be our best chance.

Jaime: If that’s true, he’ll never expose himself.

Bran: Yes, he will. He’ll come for me. He’s tried before, many times, with many Three-Eyed Ravens.

Sam: Why? What does he want?

Bran: An endless night. He wants to erase this world, and I am its memory.

Sam: That’s what death is, isn’t it? Forgetting. Being forgotten. If we forget where we’ve been and what we’ve done, we’re not men anymore. Just animals.

Mike: Ahhhhh we have a Westworld crossover with Sam’s quote. His lines about death are similar to “you live only as long as the last person that remembers you” from S2E4:

And of course there’s a GoT callback as well! Sam’s quote is similar to what Archmaester Ebrose said to him at the beginning of Season 7:

“We are this world’s memories Samwell Tarly. Without us, men would be little better than dogs.” — Archmaester Ebrose

Sam: How will he find you?

Bran: His mark is on me. He always knows where I am.

Jon: We’ll put you in the crypt, — where it’s safest.

Bran: No. We need to lure him into the open before his army destroys us all. I’ll wait for him in the Godswood.

Mike: Ok, a few things here: Can we talk about how Bran casually admitted that he’s the Night King’s GPS? “Oh yeah, he knows where I am all the time no big deal” 🤷🏿‍♂️

And I love how Jon’s like “We’ll put you in the crypt — where it’s safest” ummmm ok it may be the safest place in Winterfell (because, let’s be honest, there’s not many great options) but it is definitely NOT safe. Just a few thousand dead Starks down there with ya 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

Theon will protect Bran

Mike: This is not the first time Theon has defended Bran in the Northern woods! Let’s take the callback machine to S1E6:

And it’s confirmed that Theon will be shooting some flaming arrows in the Godswood in the next episode:

An unorthodox Tormund pep talk (are we surprised)?

Mike: Ohhhhh Tormund is just getting started.

There’s hope for Tyrion

Finally! Someone just asks Bran to tell his story

Tyrion: You’ve had a strange journey.

Bran: Stranger than most.

Tyrion: I’d like to hear about it.

Bran: It’s a long story.

“If only we were trapped in a castle in the middle of winter, with nowhere to go.” — Tyrion

Sean: A nice little echo of S1E4, titled “Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things.” Tyrion designs a saddle for Bran to use so he can ride around. When Robb asks him why he’s helping, Tyrion says “I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things.” I heard on the Nerdette recap podcast mention that Tyrion seems more hopeful after their conversation… so what did Bran tell him?

Mike: He does say “I think we will survive” in the fighter roundtable, so maybe Bran dropped a few hints!

Missandei & Grey Worm (Jim Crow North)

Mike: Mannn this racism has gotten to the Northern kids too?! The Night King in a sweep fuck these people 😭😭

Sean: Man, this scene means at least one of them is gonna die. Fuck this show.

Mike: Ah yes, the racism was blinding me to the true sadness that one of them will die DAMMIT WHY DO I SUBJECT MYSELF TO THIS PAIN VOLUNTARILY?!

More Night’s Watch reunion


Sean: Yeah, they say it like 4 or 5 times in this episode, which is FAR too many for it just to simply be a convenient place for them to hide…

Fighter Roundtable Part One

Mike: Jaime was like *inserts Nick Young gif*

Tormund Steals the Show — Vol. 8,265

Sean: I don’t really have much to add to the awesomeness that is all these scenes around the fireplace. I just want to remind everyone that Tormund’s drink of choice is fermented goats milk (or something like that).

Arya, The Hound, & Beric have a fun conversation

Mike: Ummm, gotta check your facts, Arya:

Beric: The Lord of Light has brought us together all the same. This is his moment. When light —

Hound: Thoros isn’t here anymore, so I hope you’re not about to give a sermon. Because if you are, the Lord of Light’s gonna wonder why he brought you back 19 times just to watch you die when I chuck you over this fucking wall. Where are you going?

Arya: I’m not spending my final hours with you two miserable old shits.

Mike: Yeah! Where ya goin, Arya?!

Arya & Gendry HBO After Dark

Mike: Oh.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Mike: This is so beautiful. And Brienne is so dead. 😩

Lyanna v Jorah (and Heartsbane!)

Mike: Ok, I’m back on #TeamLyanna!

And Sam gives Heartsbane to Jorah so that means he’s dead too 😩

POD SONG (Jenny of Oldstones)


🎻 🎺🥁 Sean’s Symphonic Sidebar 🥁🎺🎻

Sean: You know what this scene reminds me of? That’s right, y’all: The OG mildly incompetent squire that starts only really knowing about food and win, Peregrin Took. Specifically, this scene from Return of the King:

Fun Fact: The Lyrics are taken from “A Walking Song” in the Fellowship of the Ring book, and it’s actually kinda a cheerful song. Also, Billy Boyd came up with the melody THE NIGHT BEFORE THEY SHOT THIS SCENE

Goddamn. Ramin Djawadi watched the Howard Shore MasterClass on Motifs and stayed for the class on emotionally manipulating the audience through use of a dirge. And you wanna know the crazy part? I KNEW I WAS BEING EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATED AND IT STILL WORKED!

Mike: What’s a dirge?

Sean: A Dirge is a somber, mournful song, often a lament for the dead. They’re typically in a minor key, and tend to be fairly simple musically- only requiring a single Scotsman with a decent tenor or baritone to get you to start feeling feels. Fun Fact- Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne) and Billy Boyd (Peregrin Took)? Both Glaswegians! Yes, the demonym for people from Glasgow, Scotland, is Glaswegian.

This song is called “Jenny’s Song” in the books. The only lyrics revealed are the first two lines: “High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts”

So: Who is Jenny, and who are these Ghosts? The titular Jenny is Jenny of Oldstones. She was a lowborn woman who captured the heart of Prince Duncan Targaryen, who married her instead of entering into a political marriage (a la Robb Stark). To prevent a war, he gave up his claim to the throne, paving the way for the Mad King to take over (the family trees provided by in the book and by HBO differ in how this happens, but the end result is the same). Duncan ended up dying in a event known as The Tragedy at Summerhall, when King Aegon tried to hatch some dragon eggs. At the same time, Prince Rhaegar was born (at Summerhall!). The implication is that Jenny is dancing in the ruins of Summerhall with the ghost of her dead husband. Also, it is said that Rhaegar himself wrote Jenny’s Song, and that it was the song that he sang that made Lyanna Stark fall in love with him. Jenny also had a friend who was a witch that made some prophecies around Princes that were Promised and such, but none of this is directly referenced in the lyrics to the song. The full lyrics are basically just Jenny dancing in the ruins of Summerhall to be with the memory of Duncan. However, I reserve the right to speculate further after Episode 3.


Sean: Seriously, Jon. You couldn’t have waited until AFTER the huge fucking battle to have this conversation? That’s a lot weighing on y’all’s minds while you need to be focused on killing wights and white walkers.

Mike: Mannnn let me tell you I watched the last eight minutes of the show upside down. Jon just went right into it! I mean there’s no perfect time to drop this news, but this was definitely one of the worst times to do it.

Mike: Dany didn’t even see it coming! 😩 But Jon’s sad smirk combo says it all. And I know a lot of people are complaining that Dany focused on the Iron Throne part of this news and not the “oh god I’m sleeping with my nephew” part. Fair! But, let me provide a counterpoint:

Dany’s series-long drive, the only thing that’s kept her going is claiming the Iron Throne. So now, years later, when she’s this close to getting it she learns that dude she’s in love with has a better claim. Damn. It be like that.

Also, the Targaryen’s are into the whole incest thing (Dany’s parents were brother and sister) so even tho I think Dany is not that into it she’s got other priorities to worry about at the moment.

White Walkers Arrive


👀 Theories 💀


Sean: I have my money on Jorah, and Theon to bite it, with Brienne and Greyworm probably also up there too. Edd and Beric are also probably gonna be fighting for the Night King pretty soon, and Bran might even go as well. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see Arya and/or Gendry snuff it as well. Really, the only ones I think are truly safe for now are Jon, Dany, Sansa and Tyrion (at least until he does something clever for the first time in several seasons). Also Sam, since he’s George R. R. Martin and has to write the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

Mike: That little greyscale girl is definitely dead.


Sean: The Night King wasn’t obviously shown in that line of White Walkers, so my theory of him flying south to King’s Landing still could happen! Or Maybe Not! All I’m saying is that I don’t think the Night King will die in the Battle of Winterfell.




Mike McGee
Screen Gods

Managing Director, @CodeNow | Managing Editor, @Screen_Gods | Creator, This Week In Jams | @NorthwesternU Alum | Senior Tech Correspondent, @Vocalo