I Don’t Write Scripts — I Compose Them

The Fifth by S. Angell
Screenwriting & Storytelling
3 min readAug 25, 2024


Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

I was introduced to the world of screenwriting a year ago. Like any individual with a drive to create, I must create to keep my soul alive, or I die in the mundanity of everyday life. As a writer, I always seek ways to express my ideas through a writing project, whether it be blogging, poetry, or short stories. I’ve even made rough notes for a novel, but it has since been moved aside for screenwriting.

I’m a sucker for good film and television. Raised by a film buff mother and grandmother, award-winning film and television was essential in my household growing up. My childhood experience formed my appreciation for the art of creating a story through the eyes of a director. I almost went to film school, but my lack of focus and self-doubt in my late teens and twenties sent me down another path. Despite my self-imposed setback, I continued to surround myself with creative endeavors by immersing myself in a social scene of artists and musicians in my twenties and taking sewing lessons in my thirties. I have also spent the last twenty years writing poetry, which I eventually compiled into six self-published books.

I was looking for a way to adapt a story from two poetry books I wrote that are part of an anthology, so I naturally gravitated toward the art of screenwriting. I had no idea where to start. I just Googled how to write a script and went from there. There was an array of screenwriting courses and tutorials on YouTube that I briefly looked at, but my impulse to just write was eating at me, so I downloaded both Final Draft and Arc Studio. I eventually settled on Arc Studio due to its usability. It guides you through the structure of your script with ease and is intuitive to navigate.

I don’t write scripts; I compose them like music and poetry. The art of composing provides a rhythm to my writing and captures the nuances of my characters. The entire process is an art form. I also borrow inspiration from films, television, and books I love. Margaret Atwood is a favorite author of mine. The literary opus of her character descriptions hypnotizes you into their world. My taste for films is varied, yet I prefer films that take on a dramatic story woven with dark humor that reveals complex human relationships. Humor is essential to the human experience. It must be our last stand with the onset of AI.

One of my favorite television shows is Mad Men. Although I am a woman, my voice as a screenwriter is drawn to the existential crisis of men in positions of status and fame who must come to terms with their egos and desires. I grew up with a group of boys, and as a result, I developed an empathy for men’s struggles. My penchant for the plight of masculine characters does not mean I leave my feminine characters by the wayside. I enjoy infusing strong feminine characters into my stories that challenge the perceptions of my masculine characters. I don’t create ingénues and doormat dolls. I create multi-faceted and empowered feminine characters.

I have finished the rough draft of my second script. It’s unconventional, with unusual timing and rhythms that ebb and flow. It’s a symphony that takes the reader on a journey with unexpected twists and turns. FADE OUT. We’re at the end, where the static of the record skips. Is it engaging, nuanced, concise, clear, structured, and ready for the critical eye of others?

Below is an example of how I approach screenwriting. This is an excerpt from a one-hour serial drama written for network streaming.

Peter Davies — Flashback Scene

S. Angell is a published poet, writer, philosopher, and video blogger. She explores various topics, including love, life, death, history, and society from a philosophical perspective. You can find her on Instagram @rainydaypoetess



The Fifth by S. Angell
Screenwriting & Storytelling

An exploration of love, life, and death through a philosophical perspective. Find me on Instagram @rainydaypoetess.