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Submission Guidelines

Jaimin Kapadia
Screwed Up Individuals
2 min readJan 27, 2019


Screwed Up Individuals is created by Jaimin Kapadia — a Screwed Up Engineer who dropped out of college to pursue his passion for writing.

It is a platform for all individuals who want to share the mistakes they’ve made in the past and the lessons they learned from those mistakes.

What I’m Looking for Exactly?

I strive to receive and publish “here’s exactly how you can” articles, not “how you should” articles.

Though you’re welcome to submit your own screwed up story, but I request all of you to include a clear and detailed advice or lessons.

Entertaining & Educating

That’s what I want every story to be doing on this publication.

I want each and every story on this publication to provide value that can change reader’s life for the better. Simply put, I want inspiration followed by direct, clear instructions that anyone can follow.

If you can write with this fundamental rule, then I’m interested receiving stories in following topics.

Personal Accomplishments Turned into How-to Guides

Personal Experiments Turned into Step-by-Step Tutorials

How to Achieve Y by Doing X

Entrepreneurship lessons

Productivity tips

and so on…

If your Story doesn’t fit these topics but still want me to publish it on this publication, please reach out to me at

I will see what I can do for you. :)

