How to Write a Poem with a Powerful Final Line

Write final lines that resonate deeply with audiences

Gregory D. Welch
Published in
8 min readJun 10, 2020


No matter how many poems I write, writing the final line is always challenging.

Even with using a clear format like the Pantoum, finding a final line to a poem and understanding how to write a poem that finishes powerfully can be difficult. The question, how to wrap things up successfully, gracefully and in the most authentic way for both the poem and the audience can be a tricky one to answer.

First thoughts on final lines

So, it’s a little after 5:00 AM at the time of this writing, I have my big mug of piping hot green tea and I’m sitting at my writing desk wondering what some of the best advice is on the subject. I take to Google, and here are some of the things I learn:

“The most important part of finishing a poem lies in the beginning stages of the writing process,” Dorrance Publishing Company writes. They go on to say, “To begin, you want to keep in mind why you’re writing this poem. Defining your goal ahead of time will be like using a GPS. Your goal will help guide your words.”

Similarly, Cambridge Writers Collective tackles the challenge by writing:

The first thing to remember when writing any…



Gregory D. Welch

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