Sophie Marie
Scribbles and Scrawls
2 min readFeb 22, 2017

As the search for 18-year-old Scarlett Red intensifies, her mother makes a controversial statement to our news reporter, Sophie Marie.

While her home village worries for the girl, Mrs Red blames Scarlett for ‘getting herself abducted’.

‘I told her to stay on the path,’ says Mrs Red. As she recounts the horrific events that have happened to the Red family over the last 10 days, her eyes remain dry.

Scarlett’s grandmother was too distraught to talk to us for long. ‘She was wearing her favourite red coat,’ she wept before she fled from the scene. Scarlett’s mother goes on to say Scarlett always wore the hood up, much to her annoyance.

18-year-old Scarlett Red was officially reported missing on Saturday by her mother.

‘From CCTV, we can see Scarlett’s last known whereabouts was along Riding Lane,’ Detective Inspector John ‘Woody’ Cutter says.

CCTV shows Scarlett’s last known whereabouts

It is common knowledge that local gangster Brad Wolfe lives on Riding Lane. His latest conviction was for false imprisonment and battery. When Detective Inspector Cutter was asked if Wolfe was under suspicion in this case, he declined to comment.

CCTV shows 18-year-old clubber Scarlett Red walking along Riding Lane in the early hours of Saturday morning.

‘There’s a camera positioned on both ends of Riding Lane. One picked Scarlett up, but the other didn’t,’ Cutter admits. Although he won’t confirm or deny Wolfe’s involvement in the case, it is quite apparent this is the public’s point of view.

Facebook page ‘Find Scarlett Red’ is inundated with comments on what they think happened to the unfortunate girl. One post reads ‘that perv peedo [sic] Wolfe did it hang him’ whilst another says ‘burn, Wolfe, burn’. Although the verdict is out from the public, the police are keeping theirs close to their chest.



Sophie Marie
Scribbles and Scrawls

· Writer· Reader· Aspirer· Dystopia and Dog Fanatic · Author of [insert here] · 123sophiemarie@gmail.com