The High Priestess Brings the Knowledge … or Steals Your Man?

Exploring the Personality of The High Priestess and her Role in Tarot and the Lives of Everyday Women (The Women of Tarot Series: I)

Moon Bastet
Dark Divine Feminine Tarot & Epiphanies


Art: “The High Priestess Tarot Card” — Artist: Brigid Ashwood

The High Priestess tarot card is part of the Major Arcana in the traditional Ryder-Wait tarot deck.

Her number is 2.

In Numerology, the number 2 represents duality.

In Spirituality, the number 2 represents light, knowledge, and awakening.

In the story of creation, light was added to darkness (therefore light was second, thus creating its correspondence with the number 2).

Light, according to the Holy Bible (and most stories of creation), was revealed when God added light/order to darkness/chaos.

Photo by Celeste Horrocks on Unsplash

The High Priestess’ authority exists between the mental plane (thought, unity, the past) and the principle of vibration (manifestation, divine, the future).

A woman firm in her High Priestess energy has the power to dominate in the space that in-between space that is…



Moon Bastet
Dark Divine Feminine Tarot & Epiphanies

Moon Bastet, MBA, MHRM, MPM — Witchy + Educated. Feminist. Tarot Reader. Digital Activist. - Contact: