Common Accessibility Pitfalls for Single Page Apps — and How to Avoid Them

Image uploaded by delfi de la Rua from Unsplash

UPDATE 6/30/2019: I didn’t previously make some points clear around when/how to use react-router-last-location in conjunction with react-router-dom, so I’ve added some more details below.

Preface: Although unrelated to this article, folks at Scribd have already shared some wonderful information about accessibility, varying from the anatomy of an accessible ebook reader to small code snippets that can vastly improve the accessibility of your website with pretty minimal effort. Check those out if you’re interested in learning more!

If you’re a front-end developer in today’s world, you’ve probably used the various JavaScript tooling available (React, Vue, Webpack, etc) to build a single page application (SPA). SPAs are easy, fast, and most importantly, provide a concise way to manage your front-end assets. What’s more, you can handle your page changing using client-side tools like react-router-dom! What more could you ask for?

Alongside the myriad benefits that come along with SPAs comes one of the most crucial parts of your site taking the biggest hit: accessibility.

Features that came out-of-the-box with more traditional tech stacks and server based routing now require special handling, since all or most of the routing happens client side. Two big issues that are easy to overlook when working with client-side routing of SPAs include:

  1. Managing the focus of each page’s main header (h1 tag); and
  2. Providing the correct page title and description between pages (and in general, meta information)

Let’s take a look at some easy ways to handle these issues with React.

1) Managing the page header

Let’s paint a picture. When a user with assistive software (in particular, a screen reader) has arrived at your website, they interact with it like any other site at first: navigating links and listening to what is available on the page — including links to other pages.

Then the user selects a link to a different “page” on the site and… uh-oh. nothing happens! To them, anyway.

To sighted users, clearly the content has changed. But to a user without the ability to see the content, and without any handling of how that content has changed, they’re left confused.

What’s worse: suppose the anchor link that navigated to this new page isn’t on the page anymore. Now focus has moved back to the page <body>. The frustration grows!

This isn’t an uncommon issue with SPAs. There are fewer page refreshes when you handle routing purely in the client, and thus fewer changes in context unless you account for them explicitly.

It’s a jarring user experience, to say the least.

Me, trying to navigate a typical SPA with screen reader software and a keyboard.

Here’s a simple React component that handles these frustrations for us. Notes afterward.

What is this little component doing? The important part is what happens with its state. Here’s a quick overview:

  1. When the component mounts, it does a check against a prop called lastLocation. This is provided by a higher order component we’re using called withLastLocation, from the npm package react-router-last-location. The package borrows state from your React Router wrapper to tell us the last location that was visited by the user.
  2. If lastLocation is null, nothing happens and the component renders without side effects. This is the behavior expected from first page load.
  3. If lastLocation provides an object, we can infer the current page the user is viewing is not the first page they’ve seen since opening the website. We then set the tabIndex of the header to -1 and focus the header to set the context for the user. Once the header loses focus, we reset the tabIndex back to null.

And that’s it! You can drop this component anywhere — just remember:

  1. WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) recommends you have only one h1 on any given page. If you include this component twice, whichever component renders last will command focus, so best to avoid that altogether by only rendering it once.
  2. You’ll need react-router-dom (4.x.x and greater) for the above implementation to work, as the package react-router-last-location requires it as a peerDependency.

2) Managing the site title and meta description

Similar to the page header, your site title and meta description should update across pages if the context of the page has sufficiently changed. Assistive technologies will need to know that the page is different at the highest level so screen readers can announce it. The perk of this step will be more than accessibility, though; it’s also great for SEO (when combined with server side rendering).

For this example, we’ll do another simple React component using react-helmet to modify the content of the document head. Again, notes are after.

The component is pretty straightforward, and can be used similar to the AccessibleHeader component above. Drop it anywhere on the page, with title and description props defined, and react-helmet replaces the existing definitions in your document head. Similar to your h1, you should only have one of each title and meta description on each page.

Let’s also look at that titleTemplate prop that React Helmet accepts — this is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a base template that takes a placeholder option, %s, that is added in addition to whatever your new title text happens to be. If your title was Shopping Cart, for example, the end result would be My Site | Shopping Cart. Easy!

As an aside, be aware of titles and descriptions you’ve added to your base index.html (assuming you’re using html-webpack-plugin). Sometimes React Helmet will duplicate one or both of these tags, which isn’t desirable.

I hope this was helpful! As discussed, it’s vital to ensure your SPA has proper handling of context between pages to provide the most valuable information possible to users visiting with assistive technologies. You’re also improving the SEO and general user experience of your app by including these changes, so it’s a win-win all around!

If you want to work on changing how the world reads, come join us!

George is a front-end developer and digital designer living in Oakland, California. By day, he’s a front-end software engineer at Scribd. Other times, he can be found long boarding, playing video games, or napping. Usually napping.

