2019 Ade

My journey into 2020

Sylvia Wohlfarth


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I found forgotten notes and resolutions the other day, which I’d written on my journey to Germany for my Christmas holidays, and would like to share them while it’s still January.

Notes on the start of my festive holidays 2019–2020

The day before I left Ireland

I listened to a man on the early morning radio informing us that Good King Wenceslas’ favourite pizza was deep pan crisp and even, and I laughed.

On the way to work, I almost tripped over a pigeon and looked down into a puddle and saw the blue sky.

I greeted someone I know whose name I never remember but who always knows mine.

I said “Good Morning” to an elderly man who was dying to say “Good Morning” to me but was unsure — me looking foreign and all that. I felt his relief.

I was invited to Syrian coffee with cinnamon and cardamom by my Syrian refugee students.

And had a quick gin and tonic later with a friend I bumped into, in my favourite pub to celebrate the start of the holidays.

My journey from Cork to Dublin Airport

I walked through stormy rain and streams. Along the banks of Cork’s River Lee…



Sylvia Wohlfarth

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…