A Love Too Raw

Venessa Tai Yeh
Published in
1 min readJun 12, 2020


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

you give me
a love too raw
to write about.

every time I sit down
to immortalize it,
to keep safe the memories,
I fear my words
won’t be enough

and the sketches of
these twenty-six letters
cannot paint the universe of us.

how can I describe
the way you undress
my thoughts and
make love to my heart.

how can I describe
the colors of your eyes
that feel like

a breath exhaled
from holding onto the
expectations of a million
unworthy voices;

and courage,
to gently lay down
the weight of my fears,
letting in the lightness
of the world once more,

to exist simply in the wonder
of being human —

a reminder that you and I
are just an ocean of stardust and
a galaxy of dreams,

and nothing else matters
except this moment with




Venessa Tai Yeh

Software engineer who accidentally minored in philosophy. Likes to write code and poetry. Follow me on Instagram: @momopo.etry