A Monsoon Morning

A Poem

1 min readOct 10, 2019


Photo by Alex wong on Unsplash

As I woke up to the drizzle,
Soothing breeze eased overnight puzzle,

Skipping tea, I rushed out in the yard,
Where squirrels had taken guard,

Pigeons, Tailorbirds, twitched from perch,
To judge ways to begin the day’s search,

Blossoms disseminated delightful colours around,
Bushes and Weeds covered up muddy ground,

Rapid Rising plants depicted,
Tiny droplets tweaked flora, titillated,

Clouds cleared up for the Sun in zest,
School Lads gazed rainbow in the West,

If it was not a ticking clock,
I would have cherished if moments stopped




Gregarious, Bibliophile & Finance Grad, with an instinct to pen - poetry, analogy of thoughts, and perspectives.