About Scribe’s New Design

From experience, I know that any change is good to take. And today, I wanted to talk to you about the new publishing tools available to editors and hear your views on what changes could be made to Scribe.

Thomas Gaudex


Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard on Unsplash

Dear reader,

As always, I am very happy to meet you again to share a few words with you and introduce you to your weekly digest. I hope you still like this newsletter!

This week, I had access to the new customization tools for publications and profiles. By the way, I invite you to tell me what you think of my profile. There are many things less, but hey, I like to try new things.… So, Scribe has been enrolled in beta. I’ve started looking at the new features, and I can’t hide the fact that I’m a bit disappointed.

To sum up briefly, in its beta version, Scribe would look like a simple page (a bit like profiles), featured pages would no longer be highlighted, there would no longer be a navigation bar, no more possibility to display blocks on the page (external or internal links), no more possibility to create sections to highlight stories (like the current “Featured ∙ Poetry” and “Featured ∙ Fiction” sections).



Thomas Gaudex

Writer | Poet | Editor of Scribe | Literature and Nature help me breathe | thomasgaudex.co