An Eternity in Thoughts

A Poem

Brian Sansom
Oct 29, 2020


Photo: Noah Silliman/Unsplash/CC BY-SA 4.0

I sit and dream, my gaze transfixed
With idle hands, in thoughts, I’m lost
Never acknowledging the cost
Of tolls of bridges where I stalled
The lives around me moving on

Life’s ticking pace does run too fast
Who’s grinding screech of turning gears
Lacking remorse, counting my years
Forever claiming every pulse
Of beating heart and measured breath

Passing beneath the numbing waves
The life I yearned but lived without
Slipped through my clammy hands of doubt
Did float away through salty brine
To murky darkness, deep and cold

And when I fall to earthly rest
My life, a carving scratched in stone
A granite slab that stands alone
Marking the passage of the time
That I spent living in my mind



Brian Sansom
Writer for

An attorney by trade, a writer at heart. I sincerely believe in the power of words and ideas. Hoping to make my own meaningful contribution.