
Creative non-fiction on being an artist

Priyanka Srivastava


Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

It depends on you how much you want to reveal through your art.
You can keep everything in the margin or you can let it seep.
You can let the art be a distorted one without caring about rhyme or colours or you can let it be free and forget about the world.

There are two kinds of artists.

One which survives on their art while the other which survive on love.
Those who survive on their art don’t have the love of family and friends, they are very much alone and isolated in their world, they keep on doing that which keeps them happy it can be writing, painting or anything creative.
The other group is balancing two life one with family other with their passion. They know they can’t leave either of the two because they need the backing of the family to pursue their love.

I have seen both kinds of artists and though I belong to that group which is always balancing two lives, always chasing time to manage chores of home and the chaos in her mind, my heart breaks for those artists who are on their own.



Priyanka Srivastava

Editor of Literary Impulse, Writer when I am free, Artist when my words are silent and reader when there are books which I love to read.