Blue Pearl of White Light

John L Dahle
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2020


Photo by pineapplelove :) from Pexels

Dancing through life as husband and wife
No woes in sight and children in tow
The sounds and colors of the world were rife,
But things in life hurl twists and blows.

Hit with pain that stopped my life
Like a knife stabbing in and out of my head
Always surprised and felled to the ground
To the place where tears are shed.

Paralyzing, incapacitating, every breath I’d dread
Drooling at the mouth, I’d silently cry
The reason unknown, all the doctors said
Giving me reason for praying to die.

On the road to my death or so I thought
In the field of darkness inside my head
My prayers in the night were all for naught
Even after everything was said
The pain remained.

No medicine or drug could help inside
Worthless was a dime; nothing left untried
The pain remained in the stillness of time
Deep inside, sometimes losing my mind.



John L Dahle

Former rocket scientist, composer, sailor, and tech consultant reflecting on love and life… living in Sausalito on San Francisco Bay.