Capture the Moment

The Beauty Of Connecting

Sylvia Wohlfarth


Africa walked past me
and I looked him in the eye
and not away as I often do

Those times, when I turn away
to avoid mirroring pain
disappointment and defeat

An African breakdown in Europe
and a reminder of the weary
stoney path to inclusiveness

Instead, I looked — and locked an embrace —
aware that Africa is a part
of who I am and want to remain

An Africa smiling and dancing
joy and melody, with a lust
for life, the Africa I look to find

And so, as Africa walked past me
I eyed him gratefully and for a precious
moment our vision intertwined



Sylvia Wohlfarth

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…