Changing Colors

A poem

Sarah E.


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Fall is falling all around me
I can see the changing colors
What was green now is gold
Autumn bought, autumn sold

Pumpkins, apples, and mums come out
New blossoms in new hues
Of amber, gold, and crimson
Of leaves that shine and glisten

A weary sun shines less upon
A world of changing colors
Flowers, shrubs, and trees will wilt
Slow decay of autumn’s quilt

Cooler air sweeps in from north
Ride the waves of autumn breeze
Watch the leaves fall delicately
Let in all that you can see

Sarah E. Sturgis 2020

It was this time last year that I first started getting into Medium. The last year has flown by, despite some predicaments along the way. I enjoy this time of year when everything is changing. The cooler weather brings me out more. And of course, there’s always inspiration in change.

Thanks for reading my poem! If you enjoyed it, please let me know! ;) And check out this one:



Sarah E.

Creation is the ultimate & most beautiful form of expression. I enjoy writing poems and rhymes about my daily day-to-day. I hope you enjoy! ☀️