Cherry Blossom Dreamscape №1

Poem for the Micro-Season—First Cherry Blossoms

Natalie Wilkinson


Photo by Crystal Kay on Unsplash

The cherry trees were blooming
a cloud of sweetened pink
tethered to earth
with prosaic branches.

In my dream,

I walked alone
Grey bounded
In a stone-edged park glistening in the rain
A stone-clad tower rising into the mist

Beyond the crosswalk,

One tree stood alone
I thought I could plant two more
to keep it company
as I had planted all the others in decades past.

The fourth of the six spring seasons is called shunbun (春分) Spring Equinox in the traditional Japanese calendar. Each of the twenty-four seasons in the calendar is divided into three micro-seasons for a total of seventy-two.

The three micro-seasons of shunbun are:
March 21–25 Sparrows Start to Nest- suzume hajimete sukū 雀始巣
March 26–30 First Cherry Blossoms- sakura hajimete saku 櫻始開
March 31-April 4 Distant Thunder- kaminari sunawachi koe o hassu 雷乃発声

I invite you to follow the Micro-Season Poem Cycle list on my profile page for past and future poetic installments celebrating a year.

Thank you for supporting my written endeavors.




Natalie Wilkinson

Writing, textile design, architectural drafting, learning Japanese, gardening, not necessarily in that order. IG: @maisonette_textiles