Cloud Chronicles From the Window

Waving to Grandfather in the Vast Unknown

Somsubhra Banerjee
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2023


Image clicked by the Author from an Aeroplane Window

In the vast expanse where the heavens touch the earth,
the clouds stood there like the ancient mountains,
gazing down upon me with a knowing smile, telling me to decipher them from my aeroplane window,
what do they look like,
dinosaurs, a flower, or is it an ancient bird,
or it's my grandfather’s face waving back at me,
surreal goosebumps circumnavigated my body,
a familiar feeling, a spectral rendezvous seeping through my soul,
reconnecting with that loved one whom I lost many many years back,
I waved back poignantly, teary-eyed, to the ethereal kinship that transcends mortal farewells.

I saw a piece of cloud clung tenaciously on the aeroplane wing, a curious hitchhiker,
wondering how did it even find it in that place,
the plane cleaved through colossal masses of cloud, piercing through the heart, squeezing through the vaporous tapestry, finding a way, jittery,
and the clouds obliged, parting and reforming in the plane’s wake, but this little one, the lone wanderer,
still stuck, hesitant and unsure where the plane shall…



Somsubhra Banerjee

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.