Dear Best Friend

To the numbered days when you were my person and I, yours

Helen L


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Do you still remember
Our first year
Away from home?

We were 17, the world was still green
I filmed your very first snowfall
You screamed when I kissed a boy

I don’t know if I ever told you
But during that time
I found another home
In you

Sometimes I still think about
The quiet summer nights back in ‘19

We would sit in the grass
Aimlessly scouring for lucky clovers
Surrendering to life
For turning out this way

When you’d catch my
Every heartbreak
With bleeding knuckles

And I’d sew your
Every wound
With tired fingers

Those were the days we
Leaned on each other
When lovers proved themselves



Helen L
Writer for

Writer | Poet | Reader | Daydreamer | A compilation of my unspoken ponderings