
On heartbreak before a break-up

Ayushi Goel
1 min readNov 20, 2019


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

What is this feeling?
Why do I feel like crying?
Nothing really happened
Is it because nothing really happened?

He told me about his friends
his travels and conversations
and I just sat here on the other end
Wondering how will I begin, again.

I was happy before he called
or at least felt peace in my heart
look at me now, with goosebumps
not of excitement but feeling so far.

Who decides that it would be easy
to connect with someone unknown
and start a life with this stranger,
and who decides how scary
it could be to trace back the journey
you once started together.



Ayushi Goel

Pretending to be writer till I become one. IG: ayushigoel30