Expectations Are Ruining My Life

And probably yours too

Julia Rose


“photography of man seeing doddle wall art” by ckturistando on Unsplash

It’s been a long week. You’re leaving work and heading home to your partner, family, or maybe an empty apartment.

Imagining your evening — you picture cooking a lovely dinner, relaxing with some good music, and falling asleep in your partner’s arms. Maybe you’re picturing your quiet evening alone, free from stress and worries. Some damn peace and quiet. Or you’re picturing your family greeting you, grins across their faces.

But there’s a problem with these scenarios.

You’ve pictured it. And this picture ain’t real.

This picture is your expectations. And sadly, having these is hurting you. It’s sure as hell hurting me. It might even be ruining my life.

Maybe you come in the door — and instead — the house is a mess, your partner isn’t home, your kids have a cough, you don’t have eggs in the fridge after all, your shower isn’t working, your neighbours are having a party, etc., etc., etc…

What happened here?

What happened is your Expectations.

And that shit’s in your head.

It makes a lot of sense that we imagine future scenarios. It gives us comfort about what’s to come. It might help…



Julia Rose

I write about relationships, self-development, growth (& sometimes writing, how meta). Support me here: https://juliarosewrites.medium.com/membership