Finishing Life

Holding you and letting go

Michelle Lovett, LCSW, E-RYT
1 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo by Carlos Felipe Ramírez Mesa on Unsplash

I lost my thread for weaving
words for us to wear
so many loose ends -left undone
must I finish? I’m not sure how
my stories stop at almost
leaving me hanging

like now

I look at you-on your last bed
still learning the colors to glow your heart
how to write love notes to your spirit and
how to receive medicines made from
ancient she-wolf energies
shielding you from all the cancer stories
the death tales told
to scare you into a mold
too small for your forcefield
too weak for your fierceness

you are here present surrendered
birthing into ever-evolution
spinning light in new realms and old-
time doesn’t matter even space
only counts cause it’s here where
we can still hug

I’m holding your hands, love
and letting go when you need
sometimes it seems so natural
other times completely surreal
no navigator no crystal ball
just us-just life
eyes shining for now

© Michelle Lovett 4/6/24. All Rights Reserved.



Michelle Lovett, LCSW, E-RYT
Writer for

I believe in Coffee, Miracles, Humans & Divine. I trust in rhythm, beating hearts/open & breath/deep. Trees are my favorite color & words my favorite toy.