For All the Days To Come

The stepping stones of memories on the long journey home

Ken Martin
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2023


Peace and rest at length have come
All the day’s long toil is past,
And each heart is whispering, ‘Home,
Home at last’

— Thomas Hood

How many borders do we cross,
how many membranes of the mind
on a journey back home?
Home is more time than place
but a pull like a tide draws me back

My bulldog Orson
will be waiting for me there
wagging his short tail so hard
he falls and scrambles upright.
Inside the house there will be music, voices
the aroma of warm chocolate chip cookies

My sister and I will smile and
drink chilled cider on the cedar deck
and I’ll promise once again
to fix the broken railing “soon”
and we will laugh

We will talk about the good times
memories we see in each other’s eyes
sparkling, bubbling up, stories too good
to tell without breaking into laughter,
and we’ll kindle a fire of apple wood and…

