Half a Heart

A poem

Marianna Saver


Beauty like this sometimes hurts
and flowers sometimes wilt;
shadow knows no light
and the sky knows no end.
In silence, you don’t speak
and in darkness, you don’t see.

Love is not limitless
and ideas do not love;
time is never enough
and fear is always here.
Beauty has no rule
and we’ll never have
the world at our feet.

But what we have is this gift
and miles to walk
to get somewhere
we can call home.

What’s left are half smiles,
half hugs, and half hearts.
But it’ll come a time,
just about right, to feel safe
and not afraid to open up.
And poetry will belong
to both sunset and sunrise.



Marianna Saver

I write to understand what I don’t know. I have a newsletter dedicated to words and the feelings they inspire: dedicatedtowords.substack.com