Her Imperfectly Quirky Sensitivities

Reminder her, January is a month to regroup

Carolyn Riker


Photo by Lua Valentia on Unsplash

She was so tired.
The kind of tired,
that turns whitecaps
into a dozen tiny surrender flags.
Yet she was too tired
to raise her arms.

So, instead of fighting
the pressure to do more,
write more,
be more,
and think clearer,
she stopped.

And let the waves lull her
into their natural lullaby.
She didn’t sink,
but if she wanted to,
she could.

She could rest at the bottom,
where it is quiet,
and close her eyes
in the fine cashmere silt.

She pulled the plug
of go-go-go
and sent the to-do lists
for a hot little visit
through the shredder.

January is her month to regroup.
Always has been.
But now she listened.



Carolyn Riker

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!