How I Turned Chaos Into Creative Consistency

Carma Barre
Published in
10 min readJul 12, 2018


“Interior of an apartment with a Cat on top of paper on a table” by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Raise your hand if you have too much on your plate.

Raise your hand if you continue to add more onto your plate when you know you probably shouldn’t.

Show of hands for those that don’t know how to unload some of the weight, or don’t know where to start in organizing the chaos.

Hands up if you feel you create in some aspect of your life.

Your hand’s up, you’re still reading, and you’re in the right place.

Because we often have so many irons in the fire, we are creating multiple projects at once, and we’re working on expressing ourselves we often have a lot of chaos.

Finding time to take care of ourselves, to make sure the dishes are done, and we’re progressing in whatever career we are pursing can be a lot.

This means a balancing act.

Take me for example, I’m an academic advisor. I spend a majority of my day advising college students on the courses they should take, suggesting time management strategies, and offering academic support to the students that walk through my door. There are very minute parts of my professional career that offer me the ability to be creatively expressive, or what I like to call colorful. I consider myself an exceptionally colorful person and finding time for the…



Carma Barre

I like to take words and make coherent sentences with them. [A writer discussing the chaos that is living and everything in between.]