I Am Here

The imperative message of bird song

Deborah Barchi


(A Carolina Wren singing at sunrise) Photo by Trac Vu on Unsplash

Birds do not hesitate
as people sometimes do
to assert with pride and persistence,
self-sufficiency and intention:

I am here.

At this moment
this is my place.
And simple are my needs.
To claim my space.
To find a mate.
To raise a family
and keep them safe.

Although compared to others
I may be small and plain,
neither rarity nor beauty are required
to state my intentions without restraint.

Even a single, repetitive note
of limited beauty but bursting with life
may lift the hearts of listeners
who recognize with simple delight
this timeless proclamation:

I am here.

I often leave my bedroom window open (even if just a crack, in winter), so I can awaken to the sound of birdsong, that loveliest of morning wake up calls.



Deborah Barchi

Deborah Barchi has recently retired from her career as a librarian and now has time to read, explore nature, and write poetry and essays.