I Bleed Rainbows

“Great art comes from great pain” — Christopher Zara, Tortured Artists

Helen L


Photo by Luis Alfonso Orellana on Unsplash

Would art be the same
Without tragedy?

Would we be so enamored
By the rosy pinks
Without the deep blues
And sullen greys

What is a pianist to do
With so few notes to play
Does the song not sound
Entirely off-key
Without the lower octaves

I should think
A soprano needs its bass

And is it absurd
That I cannot look
At the starry night
Without wondering
Who else is wishing
Upon the same star

I mean isn’t a wishing pond beautiful
Because you can almost hear the
Desperate pleas and
Unanswered dreams

Maybe the small space
Between hope
And devastation
Is where beauty lives

I knew a sick woman once and
I swear she was puking

Maybe if you slit my throat
I will only bleed

Perhaps pain is my paintbrush
And grief, my canvas

And poetry,
The aftermath
Of it all



Helen L
Writer for

Writer | Poet | Reader | Daydreamer | A compilation of my unspoken ponderings