Inside Grief

Candice Lynne Fox
Published in
May 24, 2021
Photo by Valentin Lacoste on Unsplash

Grief is a bottomless well
It is dark and cool
Echoing sentiments of sounds
We will never hear again
Rupturing tear ducts
Setting fire to your throat
Soaking your face in saline
Loss is strange
An absence
That is impossible to define
Something missing
That is louder than bombs
Even inside of its own
Even inside of your own head
It is stealth and overwhelming
It numbs you to your core
Eclipsing all emotion
A void of nothingness
And then suddenly
Everything, all at once.



Candice Lynne Fox
Writer for

NYC dwelling. Writer for Invisible Illness, The Ascent, Scribe. Lover of personal essays, poetry, nonfiction, and gnitty-gritty realness.