I’ve Found Hope

Jeffrey M
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2020


Photo by Xi Xi on Pexels

I discarded hope long ago
When I looked up to the sky
Back then I was so sure
That my end would be nigh

The night was sheer cold
And there were no stars up above
No light to guide me down this path
No light, no laughter, no love

Weak steps taken in pitch black
My fee was in my grip
To pay Charon to drag my soul
Down this one-way trip

Life was hell so what would change?
I’d enjoy myself down there
Compared to life in those sad days
It’s not like one would care

History’s written by the victors
So tell me, where’s my pen?
I have a few things I must say
About my life back then

I learned to live and love myself
It was then when I could start
To live and love for others’ sake
And leave joy when I depart

At the root of my anger
There was a hurt deep within
A bleeding wound I had to mend
So healing could begin

One day I met my younger self
He was so different than I
So carefree and innocent
But soon he started to cry

I ran over to this child
He looked up at my face
His eyes were glistening with his tears
I pulled him in my embrace

He sobbed on my shoulder
And the only thing that I said
Was “how are you feeling?”
And I patted his head

He buried his face into my chest
And sobs turned into wails
He faded away into white light
Into shimmering wispy trails

I found hope not long ago
When I looked into my heart
Something so pure I had to protect
Something I couldn’t tear apart



Jeffrey M
Writer for

Hey! I’m Jeff. I like writing about my interests and hobbies which include but are not limited to electronic entertainment, YouTube, everyday carry, and poetry.