January Six

Deborah Krulicki
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2021


Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

And the die was cast
And the mob formed fast
A charlatan spoke last
To the mob amassed
As it was broadcast
To a world aghast

Reason left them all
With his battle call
They stormed the halls
And scaled the walls
And wrote their scrawls
And caterwauled

For freedom of speech
The doors were breached
And limits were reached
The mob just screeched
As the trapped beseeched
Greater police outreach

Blood was shed
Some were left for dead
Many cowered in dread
From the mob seeing red
That were so misled
By false words said

How many ignored
Evil told the hoard
As profits were stored
And leaders just whored
To create this false lord
Intent on raising a sword



Deborah Krulicki

I am an artist, a writer and I have known both joy and tragedy. I live at the edge of a Great Lake and find wonder each day in the grandeur of simplicity.