Kiss Me and Prove You’re Real

Then you’ll know I’m real, too

Louise Foerster


Photo by Bent Hertema on Unsplash

One brush of cold lips will reveal the truth requiring no lie
To prove it’s real, that we’re real on this cold night under stars
We claim we came to remote to see, but really meant I like you
More than I can say and wouldn’t even if I would wrangle
Genuine into reasonable risk of saying how I feel about you.

Music from long drive to wilderness shivers out of memory,
Clever words failing as we gaze into infinity, hands reaching out,
Grasping warm human standing rapt silence in ancient awe
Of more than we could know or do with our wild and precious lives,
Dropping us to the ground to lay staring into where we came from

Before we arrived in this place to know ourselves for the first time,
Road-weary warriors longing for home and finding it in each other.
Night hawks having entered bright-lit diner needing no door to leave
As long as they’re leaving with one another, united against impossible,
Improbable, and downright illogical like the best of human stories.



Louise Foerster
Editor for

Writes "A snapshot in time we can all relate to - with a twist." Novelist, marketer, business story teller, new product imaginer…