Light and Silence

Poetry about life

Paul Mulliner
1 min readMar 18, 2021


photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Sometimes life
brings a moment
so profound it can’t be said,
and there seems
a single conscious space,
a spacious inner sky,
like cosmic poetry
throughout the Universe.

A conscious silence,
singing itself into appearance
as the visible Universe,
bringing all life into being,
flowing into appearance
as human beings,
knowing every moment
in every leaf,
every blade of grass
and every heart.

The inner core of all of us
is somehow woven,
blended into
this whole, all-seeing Universe,
and in the ordinary everyday,
the heart of our being
is in the space between the stars.

And in the early morning light,
birds are singing
while clouds slowly stream
across the sky,
as consciousness
throughout the Universe
becomes the here and now.

Paul Mulliner 2021

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Paul Mulliner

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....