Loving You From a Distance

A poem

Navya Gupta
1 min readJun 3, 2020


Photo by Tomas Kirvėla on Unsplash

This long-distance relationship
With you is not easy
For you do not live that far
You are here
But are you, really?
Or is it just the memories
Left ajar?

Loving you from miles apart
The distance of
Not our bodies,
But our hearts.
I can see you
But I can’t reach you.
Between us,
There is not one but
A myriad of worlds.

You and I
Are living our lives
But have we ceased
To exist?
I can’t find you here now
No matter how hard
I persist.

I am tired now
So I will just go back
To where
I can reach you.
Transcending to the
World of past,
Your ghost,
I pursue.

I close my eyes
And the distance fades
I see us
In thousands of shades.
If only I could stay here
But I have come from afar
I live somewhere else
Where I can still see you
From my car
You are as far as a star
With no signs of our
So darling,
Without more persistence,
Just let me
Love you from a distance



Navya Gupta

I am a 100-year-old soul stuck in the body of a 20-something… Connect with me on Instagram - unwor_d