May We All Be Creative This Year

Creativity is good for the heart and mind, right?

Thomas Gaudex


Photo by Simona D’Auria on Unsplash

When it comes to writing, we all have our own sources of inspiration. Perhaps the greatest of these is life. Do you know that all you have to do to find something to write is to live, that is, to breathe, to think, and perhaps to walk a little under the trees? I will not be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for writing such banalities here. But it is all so true! In fact, when you look a little closer, for us writers, is there anything that doesn’t make us want to write and be creative? Can we really start each day by keeping our creative soul at bay? I’m sure you have the answer.

A few days ago I discovered a Norwegian fiddler who plays a Hardanger fiddle, a Norwegian variant of the traditional fiddle. Her latest album Hárr was awarded the “Best Nordic Album of the Year” prize, and received the prestigious Nordic Music Award for 2022. I learned what was the particularity of the Hardanger fiddle, which is otherwise beautiful, and if your curiosity is piqued, go see here.

Here is what the artist, Benedicte Maurseth, says about the album:

(…) I have also felt involved with and connected to ecosophy (økosofi), founded by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss (1912–2009). This is based on the view that humans are part of an…



Thomas Gaudex

Writer | Poet | Editor of Scribe | Literature and Nature help me breathe |