Mirage of a Frostbitten Heart

Silent Shadows, Fading Love

Somsubhra Banerjee
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2023


Image created by the author using NightCafe Studio

I wander through the barren landscape, decadent,
a thick sepia lamp, gone out entirely in the cold,
everything is grey, everything is worn,
there are fingers, twitching from the insides of the earth,
of me, who has wept for himself a long time down there in the dark,
I frantically look for the wild colourful trees, silently nodding, asking,
do you want to be rescued?

A mild cooling wind goes through my shirt, feeling for the heart,
that has melted, that has broken, that is empty of the love it desired,
and did not ever receive back,
the blossoming apple trees in my soul, dry up, without love,
remember me and regrow it again when love knocks, alright?

The light of the white sun drips, works its way down,
to my withered soul, to my frostbitten heart,
searching for that inlet, to enter, mend, fix,
should I allow?

I sit in a broken overturned boat, staring at the moonlit night,
swallowing the potion of numbness…



Somsubhra Banerjee

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.