Mirror of Perfect Reflection

John L Dahle
Published in
1 min readFeb 18, 2020


Photo by Nikola Johnny Mirkovic on Unsplash

The wind no longer blows
Arrows find no direction
Gentleness of the air bestows
Opportunity, deep reflection.

Boat gliding and ghosting
Effortlessly free floating
A mirror of perfect reflection
Auspiciously without direction.

True reflection of you
Unwavering smooth detail
Unparagoned image that’s true
But no mind and its misguided scale.

Immersed in reflection
No judgment on what you see
A clear mind free of deception
Creates a new direction, be free.

Destination unknown
Forward motion day by day
Be careful the seeds that are sown
The arrow of time flows just one-way.



John L Dahle

Former rocket scientist, composer, sailor, and tech consultant reflecting on love and life… living in Sausalito on San Francisco Bay.