Moments in Sync

With life

Paul Mulliner
May 30, 2020


photo by Roberta Zanlucchi on Unsplash

The air is still, a void of space, beneath the azure
blue of sky, no breeze disturbs the ocean
gliding slowly past, nearby.

And sometimes, there are those moments,
fleeting, like reflected sunlights’ dance,
or like refractions through a shard of glass.

Or your glance, in the mirror of the cafe
filled with laughter and romance,
where we met, that lazy, rainy day.

Moments transient, inexpressible,
when all experiencing seems joined,
into the one shared heart of our being.

And all life breathes with one breath,
and every leaf of every tree is known,
by the one experiencing in all of us.

Paul Mulliner 2020

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Paul Mulliner

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....